texlive-base (2009-13) unstable; urgency=low
* Fix shell syntax in the libpaper script (closes: #636304)
texlive-base (2009-12) unstable; urgency=low
[ Norbert Preining ]
* texlive-base conflict with texlive-base-bin-doc to get it removed
(Closes: #589205)
[ Hilmar Preusse ]
* texlive-pictures suggests dot2tex (Closes: #613690)
* tighten BD-Indep of texlive-base to tex-common (>= 2.10) and rebuild
(Closes: #606039)
[ Frank Küster ]
* Install a hook in libpaper.d and let our postinst call it for new
installations. This means that the default paper size for dvips,
pdfTeX, dvipdfmx and XDvi will now be the one given by libpaper, and
closes: #49149. Yes, the bug number has 5 digits.
* Manage the following configuration files with ucf to achieve this:
pdftexconfig.tex, config.ps, dvipdfmx.cfg and XDvi
-- Martin Pitt <email address hidden> Wed, 24 Aug 2011 12:51:42 +0000