xsp (2.10-1) experimental; urgency=low
* [61d31c1] Remove obsolete gbp.conf
* [ccdb6e6] Imported Upstream version 2.10
* [92f63cb] Stop converting tarball format on orig tarball
* [27a035f] Set Debian source format to 3.0 (quilt)
* [faec1a1] Port dh_installxsp to handle XSP 2 and 4, not 1 and 2
* [18cc2df] Replace XSP 1 preinst/postrm with XSP4 equivalents
* [da67f86] Remove menu entry for ASP.NET examples (it's not useful
having it in a GUI menu when it just spawns a daemon)
* [c3ebd1a] Remove .dirs files for ASP.NET examples - they serve no
* [16c8c53] Unify ASP.NET examples under a single package, hosted by
* [36ce192] Move debian compat level to 7
* [61e0efe] Remove TODO (this kind of thing belongs on a wiki, or bug
reports - it's just cluttering up the packaging of the package)
* [1ca7b61] Remove useless .dirs files for FastCGI packages
* [93e676f] Add mono-fastcgi-server4 packages, replacing mono-fastcgi-
* [f08e010] Remove useless .dirs files for mono-apache-server packages
* [1945d2c] Make mono-apache-server4 the new default version for mono-
* [7149783] Update readme for mono-apache-server2
* [68f8b3b] Replace mono-apache-server1 with mono-apache-server4
* [6b912dc] Add symlinks to default versions of our apache mangling
tools to the default versions package, mono-apache-server. Since the
names of some commands are recycled from mono-apache-server1, add a
* [193e167] Remove fragments of earlier packaging efforts, which
haven't been actually used for years
* [da96272] Update to 4.0, and rename Debian XSP manglement scripts,
to remove useless ".conf" filename which is only removed anyway
* [9e2a65a] Move XSP4 features into a new mono-xsp4-base package, and
rename mono-xsp-base to dh-xsp since it only contains dh_installxsp.
* [620f9ee] Add executable permissions to scripts we plan to run
* [6f66c23] Switch default mono-xsp version to 4.0
* [ef6ca71] Add an xsp.pm, for DebHelper, so we can call "dh --with
xsp" in XSP apps to handle dh_installxsp
* [93c5179] Ensure we carry NEWS etc with mono-xsp2
* [1c1ff1e] Add a readme for XSP2, to help explain our weird
* [ab2389b] Replace mono-xsp1 with mono-xsp4
* [9b3ad89] Bump ABI version of expected Mono to 2.10.1
* [4c55e8a] Clean up version-checking rules slightly
* [f4484a6] Handle slightly weird version/name situation in upstream's
Mono.WebServer2 library
* [b4f7731] Port packaging to Debhelper 7, clean up significantly, and
update to build 2.10 (in theory)
* [a4e1ddc] Fix up build-dependencies
* [5bb24aa] Fix up install list for dh-xsp
* [e4e497c] it's dh_installman, not manpages
* [a80fb89] Fix package description for dh-xsp
* [e60ec5b] Explicitly add mono-gmcs to the dependencies of mono-xsp2,
since the gmcs compiler is needed for sites to actually work
* [cbb8703] Switch asp.net-examples from XSP4 to XSP2, since there's
some precompiled 2.0 stuff in there and it's not worth rebuilding
against 4.0 when it doesn't contain any 4.0-only examples anyway
* [41c086d] Refresh .dirs files for mono-xsp
* [2de6042] Add a conflicts, since we want to force removal of
* [0ae8be3] Add debconf templates to warn users of XSP1 removal
* [64db795] Inform users via Debconf if they have XSP1 sites
configured, when they install XSP2 or 4 - since we cannot host XSP1
sites anymore, it's nice to let users know that they need to
* [a8618d7] Refresh POTFILES.in
* [49772f9] Updated Russian translation. Thanks to Yuri Kozlov.
(Closes: #620657)
* [f25e3c3] Updated Galician translation. Thanks to Miguel Bouzada.
* [c31337b] Updated Slovenian translation. Thanks to Jan Kraljič.
* [901c80d] Updated Slovenian translation. Thanks to Jan Kraljič
* [9a801ed] Updated German translation. Thanks to Helge Kreutzmann.
(Closes: #620987)
* [b4dbed6] Updated Finnish translation. Thanks to Esko Arajärvi.
(Closes: #621008)
* [426a9ef] Updated Basque translation. Thanks to Iñaki Larrañaga
Murgoitio. (Closes: #621498)
* [e5b1bf5] Updated Portugese translation. Thanks to Miguel
Figueiredo. (Closes: #621837)
* [69b81d2] Updated Czech translation. Thanks to Miroslav Kure.
(Closes: #622098)
* [cd01091] Updated Spanish translation. Thanks to Francisco Javier
Cuadrado. (Closes: #622612)
-- Jo Shields <email address hidden> Fri, 15 Apr 2011 17:34:23 +0100