apport source package in Precise

apport: automatically generate crash reports for debugging
apport-gtk: No summary available for apport-gtk in ubuntu oneiric.
apport-kde: No summary available for apport-kde in ubuntu oneiric.
apport-retrace: No summary available for apport-retrace in ubuntu oneiric.
dh-apport: debhelper extension for the apport crash report system
python-apport: No summary available for python-apport in ubuntu oneiric.
python-problem-report: No summary available for python-problem-report in ubuntu oneiric.

Versions published


The package versions that were published when the distribution release was made.


Package versions containing security fixes for the released distribution. It is a good idea to have security updates turned on for your system.


Package versions including new features after the distribution release has been made. Updates are usually turned on by default after a fresh install.

apport information

Current version:
Medium Urgency

Upstream connections

Ubuntu Error TrackerApportmain

Apport intercepts Program crashes, collects debugging information about the crash and the operating system environment, and sends it to bug trackers in a standardized form. It also offers the user to report a bug about a package, with again collecting as much information about it as possible.

Bug supervisor: yes
Bug tracker: yes
Branch: yes
Translations: yes

A newer version of apport is available for packaging: Apport 2.27.0

Binary packages

Download files from current release (2.0.1-0ubuntu17.16)

File Size SHA-256 Checksum
apport_2.0.1.orig.tar.gz 650.8 KiB 2020aea997fa35fd72a99d55e228cbd5c0686a7904b61b492d44452f3679ff52
apport_2.0.1-0ubuntu17.16.diff.gz 140.8 KiB 96cc13c41f4e5df8dd00cec743bee457c53de2454d7f2fecf6e40646ea5e5e9b
apport_2.0.1-0ubuntu17.16.dsc 2.3 KiB 82f411c16a39be1df230d7271c77f9c3a45ea1d80fc5310d717e1bb1b44baabb

Package relationships

Build dependencies

Platform-independent build dependencies

Platform-dependent build dependencies

Build conflicts

Platform-independent build dependencies

Platform-dependent build dependencies