Change logs for checkbox source package in Precise

  • checkbox (0.13.10) precise-proposed; urgency=low
       [Daniel Manrique]
       * Removed references to Ubuntu Friendly due to sunsetting of the project.
        (LP: #1224533)
     -- Daniel Manrique <email address hidden>   Wed, 25 Sep 2013 16:36:00 -0400
  • checkbox (0.13.9) precise-proposed; urgency=low
      * Updated fix for bug #1026614 which was missing some code.
      * Removed bad fix for bug 990133.
    checkbox (0.13.8) precise-proposed; urgency=low
      * New upstream release (LP: #1061198)
      [Marc Tardif]
      * checkbox/ Updated license to GPLv3 to be consistent with
        rest of Checkbox files (LP: #1049881)
      [Sylvain Pineau]
      * qt/frontend/qtfront.ui: Fixed the test purpose widget size to allow two
        lines of description (LP: #1032255)
      * scripts/camera_test, jobs/ Added a 10s timeout to the camera
        still test (LP: #990133)
      [Daniel Manrique]
      * jobs/ replaced gconfaudiosink by autoaudiosink (LP: #978895)
      * Instruct Chromium browser to accept file:// URLs so it can correctly
        open the checkbox submission.xml report (LP: #1026614)
      * scripts/network_check: InvalidURL exception is caught and handled more
        cleanly (LP: #751701)
      * Set the correct user (root) for fwts-wakealarm test (LP: #1004102)
      * Set correct user (root) for usb/storage-preinserted, so it works correctly
        on servers (LP: #1004131)
      [Nathan Williams]
      * scripts/network_check: Fixed exception handling in the absence of zenity
        (LP: #988260)
     -- Daniel Manrique <email address hidden>   Tue, 20 Nov 2012 16:31:02 -0500
  • checkbox (0.13.8) precise-proposed; urgency=low
      * New upstream release (LP: #1061198)
      [Marc Tardif]
      * checkbox/ Updated license to GPLv3 to be consistent with
        rest of Checkbox files (LP: #1049881)
      [Sylvain Pineau]
      * qt/frontend/qtfront.ui: Fixed the test purpose widget size to allow two
        lines of description (LP: #1032255)
      * scripts/camera_test, jobs/ Added a 10s timeout to the camera
        still test (LP: #990133)
      [Daniel Manrique]
      * jobs/ replaced gconfaudiosink by autoaudiosink (LP: #978895)
      * Instruct Chromium browser to accept file:// URLs so it can correctly
        open the checkbox submission.xml report (LP: #1026614)
      * scripts/network_check: InvalidURL exception is caught and handled more
        cleanly (LP: #751701)
      * Set the correct user (root) for fwts-wakealarm test (LP: #1004102)
      * Set correct user (root) for usb/storage-preinserted, so it works correctly
        on servers (LP: #1004131)
      [Nathan Williams]
      * scripts/network_check: Fixed exception handling in the absence of zenity
        (LP: #988260)
     -- Daniel Manrique <email address hidden>   Tue, 02 Oct 2012 17:18:22 -0400
  • checkbox (0.13.7) precise; urgency=low
      * New upstream release (LP: #980063)
      * Automated translation file updates from Launchpad
      [Jeff Lane]
      * qt/checkbox-qt.ui, qt/frontend/qtfront.cpp: Converted
        submissionWarningLabel and text to submissionUbuntuFriendlyLabel wtih
        instructional text for submitting results. This is a workaround for the
        bug causing the warning to be displayed at all times rather than only when
        testing is incomplete. (LP: #967457)
      * jobs/ Removed dhclient call from networking/multi_nic
        tests because of a bug in dhclient that can cause it to hang when run on
        eth0. New test requirement will be that the tester must configure and
        bring up all ethernet devices prior to running checkbox. Also added a
        check to make sure we're not trying to run the test on a device that's not
        active. (LP: #926229)
      [Tiago Salem Herrmann]
      * checkbox_qt/, qt/frontend/qtfront.cpp,
        qt/frontend/qtfront.h: Do async calls to some ui methods and avoid
        unexpected dbus timeouts (LP: #962333)
      [Sylvain Pineau]
      * qt/frontend/qtfront.cpp: Submit/View results buttons are disabled until
        every selected test has been run (LP: #937715)
      [Daniel Manrique]
      * jobs/ Change test descriptions to avoid confusing
        instruction to press the "Next" button (which is incorrect). (LP: #971181)
      * jobs/ Fixed touchpad local job which was using suspend.txt
        as the job source) (LP: #979344)
      * jobs/ Added usb and scsi devices to
        removable_storage_test commands (LP: #979356)
     -- Daniel Manrique <email address hidden>   Wed, 11 Apr 2012 17:20:37 -0400
  • checkbox (0.13.6) precise; urgency=low
      * New upstream release (LP: #971889)
      * Automated translation file updates from Launchpad
      [Marc Tardif]
      * Fixed string_to_type conversion in network_bandwidth_test (LP: #954587)
      [Daniel Manrique]
      * Internationalization support in checkbox-qt; updated checkbox.pot file
        (LP: #951054)
     -- Daniel Manrique <email address hidden>   Mon, 02 Apr 2012 15:22:05 -0400
  • checkbox (0.13.5) precise; urgency=low
      * New upstream release (LP: #960633)
      * Automated translation file updates from Launchpad
      [Tiago Salem Herrmann]
      * qt/frontend/qtfront.ui: If the test text is too long, then it is cut off
        (LP: #950111)
      * checkbox_qt/, qt/frontend/qtfront.cpp,
        qt/frontend/qtfront.h, qt/frontend/qtfront.ui: add a popup comment box
        for each test under the "Run" tab. (LP: #959452)
      * checkbox/, qt/frontend/qtfront.cpp,
        qt/frontend/qtfront.h, checkbox_qt/ Set
        interface.direction to NEXT if all the tests were executed and the user
        either analyzed or submitted the results. (LP: #956329)
      * checkbox/, plugins/,
        qt/frontend/qtfront.cpp, qt/frontend/qtfront.h,
        checkbox_qt/ Use the ui persistent storage to keep some ui
        configuration values. (LP: #937626)
      * checkbox/ Avoid using fork() + call() to run a web
        browser. Use Popen instead.(LP: #956307)
      * qt/frontend/qtfront.ui, qt/frontend/qtfront.cpp, qt/frontend/qtfront.h:
        Removed welcome tab (LP: #957090)
      [Jeff Lane]
      * Reset default checkbox log level to INFO from DEBUG to make logs less
        confusing and verbose. (LP: #949745)
      * Removed dependency on bluetooth/detect-output on the
        suspend/suspend_advanced job. (LP: #955375)
      * jobs/, scripts/removable_storage_test,
        scripts/removable_storage_watcher: Modified removable_storage_watcher and
        removable_storage_test to accept list of busses to watch to resolve
        problems on systems with MMC readers that present themselves as USB
        devices rather than SDIO (LP: #953160)
      * jobs/ Fixed the job descriptions for optical/read and
        optical/cdrom-audio-playback to account for changes in Precise and make
        them less confusing (LP: #954606)
      [Marc Tardif]
      * Linted qt_interface which had a few syntax errors (LP: #949957)
      * plugins/ Fixed apport integration was producing a trace
        (LP: #959463)
      [Daniel Manrique]
      * Bumped revision number to 0.13.5 in trunk
      * jobs/ Fix definition for keys/media-keys test which failed to
        run (LP: #954480)
      [Sylvain Pineau]
      * Show the UF invalidation warning if all test cases are unchecked from the
        right click menu (LP: #956757)
      * checkbox_qt/, qt/frontend/qtfront.cpp,
        qt/frontend/qtfront.h: Tests now select Yes on PASS status (LP: #954556)
     -- Daniel Manrique <email address hidden>   Tue, 20 Mar 2012 17:33:17 -0400
  • checkbox (0.13.4) precise; urgency=low
      * New upstream release (LP: #949983)
      * Automated translation file updates from Launchpad
      [Brendan Donegan]
      * Added 'scsi' as a valid bus ID for determining product in
        (LP: #940249)
      * Added 'cciss' as a valid bus ID for determining product in
        (LP: #942548)
      * Updated command fields in composite disk jobs to address the ! in
        some disk paths (LP: #942769)
      * Updated create_connection to poll for registration of connection and
        then attempt to bring it up (LP: #944662)
      * Fixed command run by wireless_connection tests so that they fail if the
        internet_test fails, but still clean up the connection file (LP: #944176)
      * Fixed wireless_connection_open_* jobs to not provide security options
        (LP: #947163)
      [Javier Collado]
      * Added python-cairo as a dependency for checkbox-gtk (LP: #940163)
      [Marc Tardif]
      * Tidied up logic for determining DISK device product and vendor
        (LP: #942548)
      * Fixed filename matching expression for local jobs (LP: #942273)
      * Fixed duplicate System Testing applications after upgrade (LP: #940627)
      [Tim Chen]
      * Modifications to removable_storage_test to handle cases where removable
        media is not mounted prior to test running. (LP: #944623)
     -- Javier Collado <email address hidden>   Wed, 07 Mar 2012 19:46:29 +0100
  • checkbox (0.13.3) precise; urgency=low
      New upstream release (LP: #939549):
      [Brendan Donegan]
      * Typo in command for for miscellanea/virtualization-check (LP: #934243)
      * Resized test selection views in checkbox-qt (LP: #937113)
      [Daniel Manrique]
      * Use GObject from gi.repository instead of gobject (LP: #937099)
      * Disable flushing to disk after every file access during gathering phase for
        a significant speed boost. (LP: #939019)
      [Javier Collado]
      * Fixed running of disk/read_performance tests (LP: #933528)
      [Sylvain Pineau]
      * Fix depends fields in info and suspend test suites (LP: #934051)
      * Display results report in non-graphical interfaces (LP: #937657)
      [ Tiago Salem Herrmann ]
      * Remove auto generated qt resource file (LP: #938863)
      [Ara Pulido]
      * Fix the Ubuntu Friendly warning message (LP: #939448)
     -- Daniel Manrique <email address hidden>   Thu, 23 Feb 2012 11:56:50 -0500
  • checkbox (0.13.2) precise; urgency=low
      New upstream release (LP: #933090):
      [Jeff Lane]
      * Added a Hard Disk Stats Test that was part of a much older merge request
        for server test suite.
      * Modified apport-directory to provide feedback
      * Added new optical_write_test script and created appropriate jobs to refine
        optical drive testing
      * Created new resource job that creates an optical.{CD-R,DVD-R} resource to
        determine if a machine's optical drive supports writing or is read-only.
      * Added virt-check test to determine if a server will work as an OpenStack
        Compute Node.
      * Moved apport-directory changes from an old branch to checkbox where the
        job now resides.
      [Marc Tardif]
      * Removed trailing directories from the devpath of disk devices (LP: #925582)
      * Fixed awk regular expression in max_diskspace_used script (LP: #926312)
      * Implemented anonymous submissions to Launchpad with a dummy e-mail
      * Qt: Moved widgets around in Results window.
      * Changed options and arguments passed to show_tree method, and related UI
      * Simplified running checkbox-qt from source tree, by compiling if needed.
      * Added support for decimals and multiple partitions in max_diskspace_used.
      * Fixed reference to xrandr_detect_modes replaced by VESA_drivers_not_in_use.
      * Fixed depends in debian/control file for checkbox-qt.
      [Daniel Manrique]
      * Changed way of obtaining preferred browser to ensure we honor the user's
        preference rather than Chromium's clobbering of
        /etc/alternatives/gnome-www-browser (LP: #925603)
      * Added submission_path_prompt config variable; if set, it will be shown to
        the user before the test selection screen, and the value entered will
        override the default filename for the xml report.
      * plugins/ Fixed jobs being run despite being deselected.
      * Qt: Changed color of the step bubbles to Ubuntu Orange, and made it
      * Qt: View report functionality.
      * Qt: Set the runtime application icon.
      * Fixed typo in network/info.
      * Fixed typo in create_connection.
      [Brendan Donegan]
      * Changed checkbox-cli text to clearly explain what + does (LP: #926417)
      * Changed progress bar of Qt UI to standard rather than custom one,
        prettified tabs and updated Launchpad email text amongst other UI tweaks
        in qt/frontend/qtfront.ui
      * Fixed some oversights in the mediacard job files regarding test
        descriptions and card types.
      * Tweaked the memory_compare script a bit to make it easier to maintain.
      * Used regexes in default whitelist.
      [ Javier Collado ]
      * Removed job that installed ipmitool by default (LP: #931954)
      [Tiago Salem Herrmann]
      * Implementation of Qt frontend for checkbox.
      * Qt-related features and bugfixes:
      * Qt: Added welcome screen image and background color.
      * Qt: Removed maximize/restore button.
      * Qt: added select/deselect all popup menu.
      * Qt: Status screen
      * Qt: Antialiasing hint for step numbers and question mark.
      [Sylvain Pineau]
      * Tests will run in in order specified by the whitelist.
      * JobStore caches most of a job's attributes in memory to speed up sorting.
     -- Jeff Lane <email address hidden>   Wed, 15 Feb 2012 00:11:21 -0500
  • checkbox (0.13.1) precise; urgency=low
      New upstream release (LP: #925090):
      [Brendan Donegan]
      * Fixed the cpu_topology script so that it doesn't mistake the word
        'processor' in the value of another field for the field 'processor'
        (LP: #882161)
      * Added create_connection script and jobs to automatically create/test a
        wireless network connection.
      * Updated wireless job dependencies.
      * Add wireless performance data collecting tests.
      * Changed is_laptop test to a shell test and implemented a check_is_laptop
        script to check automatically for a systems 'laptopness' (LP: #886668)
      * Fixed connect_wireless script which continued failing to correctly
        identify wireless connections.
      * Don't fail the sleep_test if the wake alarm is still set (LP: #911161)
      * Add requirement for mem sleep state to be supported to the
        suspend_advanced_auto job (LP: #804190)
      * Fixed the camera/display test and removed the camera/video one.
      * Added display resource and matching requirements to external video
        output tests.
      * Added removable_storage_watcher script to replace watch_command to make
        testing USB, FireWire and MMC devices easier and more cohesive.
      * Added memory_compare script to automate the memory/info job
      * Switch audio settings to correct device before running audio tests
        (LP: #916859)
      * Nixed graphics/xorg-version-output job and updated other job dependencies,
        since it is redundant with graphics/xorg-version. (LP: #671144)
      [Gabor Kelemen]
      * Fixed last two remaining strings with backslashes (LP: #868571)
      * Fix misplaced parentheses, so translation can work (LP: #904876)
      [Marc Tardif]
      * Refactored install scripts to be agnostic of variant name:
        install/postinst, install/config and debian/*.postinst.
      * Using title defined in user_interface plugin in GTK interface.
      * Updated default.whitelist to reflect renamed jobs.
      * Removed files with non-printable characters from submission.xml.
      * Fixed parser for submission files with empty question comments
        and context info (LP: #912546)
      * Added support for skipping tests when the depends don't pass
        (LP: #509598)
      * Removed extraneous code from the sleep_test.
      * Refactored logic to check for network after suspend.
      * Removed deprecated hwtest package.
      * cpu_offlining was incorrectly using return instead of exit.
      [Daniel Manrique]
      * Update control files under debian/ to eliminate (most) lintian warnings
        (LP: #352986)
      * Environment variables specified with environ: in a job description will be
        passed to the backend for it to add to its environment. (LP: #897889)
      * Handle malformed LANGUAGE environment variable values (LP: #912946)
      * Added interactive media_keys_test script.
      * Make creation of wireless connection files more robust (LP: #923836)
      * Recommend gstreamer-gconf to enable media tests on kubuntu (LP: #898641)
      * Add bluetooth device requirement to obex jobs (LP: #921128)
      * Add a plugin conf variable for the welcome string (shown on the first
        screen when checkbox runs), so it can be changed without much effort.
      * Remove superflous bluetooth/detect job
      * Fixed typo in jobs/ (phoronix misspelled as peripherals).
      * Rearranged a misplaced changelog entry.
      * Updated debian/control to remove unneeded Uploader: field.
      [Robert Roth]
      * Fixed spelling mistakes in user_apps job file. (LP: #904209)
      [Jeff Lane]
      * Created automated network info test to get some config info during automated
        runs. (LP: #912038)
      * Added requires to suspend wireless jobs so they won't run if wireless isn't
        present (LP: #907150)
      * Fixed issue in usb_test with unwritable filesystems (LP: #912522)
      * Fixed USB tests so that insert, storage, remove run in proper order
      * Removed usb_storage_after_suspend since it's superfluous, all other USB
        tests already run after suspend.
      * Modifed usb_test to handle firewire drives as well, renamed script to
      [Aurélien Gâteau]
      * Improvements to Recover dialog and show_info method.
      [ Javier Collado ]
      * Error while creating binary package fixed (LP: #921576)
      [ Sylvain Pineau ]
      * Replaced xrandr_display_modes with automated check for VESA driver
      * Refactored Unity compatibility tests
     -- Daniel Manrique <email address hidden>   Fri, 10 Feb 2012 11:19:05 -0500
  • checkbox (0.13) precise; urgency=low
      New upstream release (LP: #892268):
      [Marc Tardif]
      * Generate a submission.xml file that contains all device and attachment
      * Write the report before reporting the validation error.
      * Changed device.product to dmi.product for the formfactor (LP: #875312)
      [Daniel Manrique]
      * Use gettext for string (LP: #869267)
      * Move progress indicator to main checkbox dialog instead of a
        transient window (LP: #868995)
      * Ignore malformed dpkg entries in package_resource (LP: #794747)
      * Reset window title after finishing a manual test (LP: #874690)
      * Handle "@" in locale names (as in ca@valencia).
      [Jeff Lane]
      * Went through all the job files and:
        * Updated descriptions to match Unity UI structure
        * Added descriptions where necessary
        * Added further details to some descriptions
        * Moved some jobs to more appropriate files
        * Fixed job names in older job files to match new naming scheme
        * Added jobs to local.txt to ensure all job files are now parsed
          (this allows easier addition of existing tests to whitelists)
        * Changed remaining manual job descriptions to match the new format
      * Updated CD and DVD write tests to be more clear about when to skip
        them (LP: #772794)
      [Ara Pulido]
      * Rewrote all job descriptions to match OEM QA syntax
      [Brendan Donegan]
      * Fix the code that assigns keys in checkbox-cli so that it never assigns
        keys which have other uses. (LP: #877467)
      * Show details of unmet job requirements (LP: #855852)
      * Ensure that connect_wireless chooses a wireless connection from the list
        of available connections (LP: #877752)
      * Have the bluetooth/detect tests require a device with the category
        BLUETOOTH to run, thus preventing the test from failing on systems with
        no Bluetooth device (LP: #862322)
      * Rename attachment jobs to not have a forward slash in their name
        (LP: #887964)
      * Guard against trying to write files to logical partitions on USB sticks
        (which will obviously fail) in usb_test (LP: #887049)
      * Make the OpenGL test ignore the return value of glxgears and improve
        the test description (LP: #890725)
      * Allow input/mouse test to run if a TOUCH device is present
        (LP: #886129)
      [ Javier Collado ]
      * Broken job dependencies fixed (LP: #888447)
      * Regex support when specifying blacklists and whitelists on the
        commandline (LP: #588647)
     -- Daniel Manrique <email address hidden>   Thu, 18 Nov 2011 12:46:21 -0500
  • checkbox (0.12.8) oneiric; urgency=low
      New upstream release (LP: #862579):
      [Brendan Donegan]
      * Remove test for FTP connection from network_check script (LP: #854222)
      * Update a parameter in usb_test to have it run faster.
      * Remove record_playback_after_suspend from Ubuntu Friendly whitelist (LP: #855540)
      * Fix minor typo in multi-monitor friendly resolution_test script which caused
        minimum_resolution test to fail (LP: #855599)
      * Remove storage_devices_test from Ubuntu Friendly whitelist since bonnie++  (which it uses) is not installed by default (LP: #855841)
      * Changed description and name to reflect Ubuntu Friendly branding. Now when a user searches for Ubuntu Friendly in the lens, Checkbox will appear (LP: #852036)
      * Reset the selections at the test suite prompt if No is selected at the recover prompt (LP: #861208)
      * Save the connection name(s) instead of the interface name so that they can be reconnected to properly after the wireless before/after suspend tests have completed (LP: #861502)
      * Make connect_wireless use the UUID of the connection instead of the name for greater reliability (LP: #862190)
      [Daniel Manrique]
      * Restored _recover attribute, re-enabling welcome and test selection
        screens (LP: #852204)
      * Remove memory/test from the Ubuntu Friendly whitelist (LP: #853799)
      * Use diff instead of grep, better comparing of empty files (LP: #852014)
      * Apport integration: new mandatory "tag" value in ApportOptions (LP: #852201)
      * Add warning prior to starting the tests (LP: #855328)
      * Apport integration: Fix instantiation of Gtk.RadioButton, needed due
        to PyGI related API changes (LP: #805679)
      * Remove ping -R parameter that apparently caused ICMP packets to be dropped
        by some routers (LP: #861404)
      [ Evan Broder ]
      * Replace resolution_test with an implementation which uses GdkScreen to
        be multimonitor-aware (LP: #632987)
      [Jeff Lane]
      * Fix names of optical drive tests and remove a non-existing test from the
        whitelist (LP: #854808)
      * Fix wireless_*_suspend jobs so they recreate iface file instead of append
        each time (LP: #855845)
        (LP: #852201)
      * Clarify better the intend of the is_laptop question (LP: #861844)
      * Fixed dependencies for tests that depend on suspend/suspend_advanced
        (LP: #860651)
      [Tim Chen]
      * Fix cpu_scaling_test (LP: #811177)
      [Ara Pulido]
      * Avoid connect_wireless messing with AP with similar names (LP: #861538)
      * Remove bluetooth/file-transfer from the list of tests to run, since due to
        bug 834348 it always fails.
      [Marc Tardif]
      * Added support for wildcards when verifying the transport certificate.
      * Applying depends across suites (LP: #861218)
     -- Daniel Manrique <email address hidden>   Thu, 29 Sep 2011 13:12:01 -0400