x11-apps (7.6+5ubuntu1) precise; urgency=low
* Fix recommends. Previously it was recommending xbitmap which didn't
exist, the package is xbitmaps. (LP: #930176)
-- Robert Hooker <email address hidden> Thu, 01 Mar 2012 12:25:59 -0500
x11-apps (7.6+5) unstable; urgency=low
[ Julien Viard de Galbert ] * Fix oclock build by linking against against libXt explicitly. * Updating package description & recommends (#550308). [ Cyril Brulebois ] * xman 1.1.2 * Bump Standards-Version to 3.9.2 (no changes). -- Cyril Brulebois <email address hidden> Sat, 02 Jul 2011 20:19:56 +0200
x11-apps (7.6+4ubuntu2) natty; urgency=low
[ Robert Hooker ]
* Refreshed 100-no-add-needed.patch to fix FTBFS.
-- Timo Aaltonen <email address hidden> Tue, 22 Feb 2011 20:21:26 +0200