Change logs for graphicsmagick source package in Quantal

  • graphicsmagick (1.3.16-1.1ubuntu1) quantal; urgency=low
      * Build-depend/depend on libtiff-dev rather than libtiff4-dev.
     -- Colin Watson <email address hidden>   Mon, 10 Sep 2012 10:31:46 +0100
  • graphicsmagick (1.3.16-1.1) unstable; urgency=low
      * Non-maintainer upload.
      * [SECURITY] Fix "CVE-2012-3438": apply patch from upstream repo:
        "coders/png.c: Some typecasts were inconsistent with libpng-1.4 and
        (Closes: #683284)
     -- gregor herrmann <email address hidden>  Sat, 18 Aug 2012 15:08:57 +0200
  • graphicsmagick (1.3.16-1) unstable; urgency=low
      * New upstream version 1.3.16.
        + Includes build fix for Perl 5.16.
      * debian/libgraphicsmagick3.symbols: Add symbol from new upstream
     -- Daniel Kobras <email address hidden>  Mon, 25 Jun 2012 20:50:44 +0200
  • graphicsmagick (1.3.15-1) unstable; urgency=low
      * New upstream release 1.3.15. Closes: #672982
        + Fixes crash in psiconv. Closes: #611260
      * debian/control: Change (Build-)Depends from libpng12-dev to
        libpng-dev. Closes: #662359
      * debian/control: Add (Build-)Depends on libjbig-dev. Closes: #669947
      * debian/libgraphicsmagick3.symbols: Add symbols from new upstream
      * PerlMagick/MANIFEST, PerlMagick/typemap: Add build fix for Perl 5.16,
        cherry-picked from upstream VCS. Closes: #676265
     -- Daniel Kobras <email address hidden>  Mon, 11 Jun 2012 20:49:01 +0200
  • graphicsmagick (1.3.12-1.1build1) precise; urgency=low
      * Rebuild for Perl 5.14.
     -- Colin Watson <email address hidden>   Tue, 15 Nov 2011 20:52:14 +0000