mailgraph (1.14-11) unstable; urgency=low
* Update copyright file as per DEP-5 1.0 format
* Add patch from Pascal Volk to deal with Postfix enable_long_queue_ids
parameter (Closes: #677747)
* Update to new policy 3.9.3 (no changes needed)
-- Julien Valroff <email address hidden> Tue, 28 Feb 2012 18:44:18 +0100
mailgraph (1.14-10) unstable; urgency=low
* Add VCS fields
* Update DEP-5 uri
* Add support for "status" action to init.d script - thanks to Peter
Eisentraut <email address hidden> (Closes: #652998)
* Updated Debconf translation for Norwegian Bokmål - thanks to Bjørn
Steensrud <email address hidden> (Closes: #654448)
* Add missing LSB description field in the init script
-- Julien Valroff <email address hidden> Wed, 04 Jan 2012 19:14:16 +0100
mailgraph (1.14-9) unstable; urgency=low
* Fix patch to set default location of rrd files (Closes: #617411)
* Add patch to create greylisting RRD and graph (supports postgrey and
* Remove Norbert from Uploaders, thanks to him for his work on this
* Update DEP-5 url to the latest revision
mailgraph (1.14-8) unstable; urgency=low
* Add patch from Malte S. Stretz to replace rrdtool badge by a simple
text link which prevents tracking by oss.oetiker.ch
* Bump debhelper compat to 8
-- Ubuntu Archive Auto-Sync <email address hidden> Sat, 30 Apr 2011 13:16:13 +0000