Change logs for pacemaker source package in Quantal

  • pacemaker (1.1.7-1ubuntu1) quantal; urgency=low
      * Merge from Debian testing (LP: #1003111).  Remaining changes:
        - Build with cman support
          + debian/rules: --with-cman.
          + Depends on libcman-dev and libfence-dev.
        - Build-Dep on libcorosync4.
    pacemaker (1.1.7-1) unstable; urgency=low
      * New upstream revision (Pacemaker 1.1.7)
      * debian/libcrmcommon2-dev.install,
        debian/pacemaker.install: Numerous additions and removals caused by the
        recent file reorganization done by upstream
      * debian/control: Build-Conflict with libqb-dev
     -- Andres Rodriguez <email address hidden>   Tue, 22 May 2012 16:29:53 -0400
  • pacemaker (1.1.6-2ubuntu3) precise; urgency=low
      * Build with cman support (LP: #983091)
        - debian/rules: --with-cman.
        - Depends on libcman-dev and libfence-dev.
     -- Andres Rodriguez <email address hidden>   Mon, 16 Apr 2012 12:55:17 -0400