watershed (6) precise; urgency=low
* Pass -l:libnettle.a instead of /usr/lib/libnettle.a in LIB_OBJS; this
avoids hardcoding the path which just changed with multiarch; fixes FTBFS.
* Bump Standards-Version to 3.9.2.
* Set debian/source/format to "3.0 (native)".
* Make debian/watershed.initramfs-hook +x in the source; native source
package can transport this permission.
* Move debian/watershed.initramfs-hook to debian/initramfs-hook/watershed
and install it via dh_install instead of calling install in rules.
* Convert package from cdbs to dh using debhelper compat level 9 for
dpkg-buildflags support.
* Override dh_auto_build to pass Q= to make as to see actual build commands.
-- Loic Minier <email address hidden> Thu, 01 Dec 2011 00:12:13 +0100