distcc (3.1-5) unstable; urgency=low
* new maintainer (Closes: #664497)
* update Standards-Version to 3.9.3:
- debian/distcc.init.d: start action exits successfully if daemon
is already running [9.3.2]; postinst will succeed on upgrades in
this case also (Closes: #620773, LP: #822887)
* switch to dpkg-source 3.0 (quilt) format
* remove Build-Depends: dpatch
* add Build-Depends: autotools-dev
* debian/rules:
- use debhelper compat level 9
- reduce to "dh $@" style
- fixes FTBFS caused by previous build-arch target (Closes: #666383)
- enabled bindnow hardening (no PIE yet, it causes build failure)
* debian/control:
- added Homepage field
- distcc: description starts lowercase
* debian/distcc.config:
- renamed from debian/config
- use "set -e"
- include missing #DEBHELPER# token
* debian/distcc.init.d:
- added stop levels 0, 6
- unset TMPDIR before starting the daemon to avoid problems with
root's value for this being unwritable by the distccd user; to
provide distccd with a sensible TMPDIR put it in /etc/default/distcc
(Closes: #514556)
* debian/distcc.postinst:
- use "set -e" instead of "#!/bin/sh -e"
- drop extra calls to "sed ... /etc/default/distcc" for every field
that only removed whitespace which would be removed anyway when
updating the fields
- always create distccd user if it does not exist (Closes: #548053)
* debian/distccmon-gnome.menu:
- changed title to "distcc monitor"
- dropped incorrect hint tag
* debian/patches:
- 06_set-pythonpath-securely.patch: contains fix for #605168 which
was previously applied directly to the source
- 07_preferred-user.patch: starting the daemon as root causes it to
change user, which should be to "distccd" in Debian
- 08_gnome-data-public-dirs.patch: install desktop and icon files for
distccmon-gnome /usr/share/applications and /usr/share/pixmaps
respectively (LP: #512288)
- 09_rename-pump.patch: rename the "pump" command to "distcc-pump" in
all references such as help text, man pages, etc. (Closes: #594083)
- 10_consecutive-preprocessor-options.patch: correctly count
preprocessor options (Closes: #626926)
- 11_lsdistcc-man.patch: add man page for lsdistcc utility
* debian/watch:
- added remote watch file
* source/config.{guess,sub}:
- update with autotools-dev during build instead of directly patching
the source tree
* use dpkg triggers to dynamically generate/update compiler links
based on the ccache packaging. Thanks to Daniel Schaal
(Closes: #651670)
* cherry-pick upstream fixes for IPv6 support (Closes: #452835):
- r650_ipv6-zeroconf.patch: IPv6 patch for Zeroconf and IPv6 literals
in hosts file (Closes: #481951, LP: #593047)
- r673_zeroconf-nodups.patch: remove duplicate hosts from the Zeroconf
list (LP: #809534)
- r678_distcc-v6-acl-2.patch: IPv6 support for access control
* cherry-pick other upstream fixes:
- r732_distccmon-gnome.patch: avoid client list growing indefinitely
(LP: #521165)
-- Daniel Hartwig <email address hidden> Mon, 05 May 2012 17:24:18 +0800