evince (3.6.1-1ubuntu3) raring; urgency=low
* No-change rebuild against new libarchive
-- Jeremy Bicha <email address hidden> Fri, 22 Feb 2013 08:46:14 -0500
evince (3.6.1-1ubuntu2) raring; urgency=low
* debian/patches/workaround_notes_color_issue.patch:
- don't define a color for the text of annotations otherwise we end
up with yellow text on white background which is difficult to read
(lp: #1100320)
-- Sebastien Bacher <email address hidden> Fri, 25 Jan 2013 15:15:48 +0100
evince (3.6.1-1ubuntu1) raring; urgency=low
* Resynchronize on Debian
* debian/apparmor-profile:
* debian/apparmor-profile.abstraction:
* debian/evince.apport:
* debian/evince-common.dirs:
- Ubuntu apparmor profile
* debian/control:
- Build-Depend on dh-apparmor, use tiff5 rather than tiff4
- Suggests on apparmor
* debian/rules:
- install apparmor files
- save some space by not shipping the synctex screencast.
* debian/patches/11_grip_gestures.patch:
- supports pinch to zoom, rotate, and drag gestures
evince (3.6.1-1) experimental; urgency=low
* Team upload.
* debian/patches/03_nodisplay.patch: add upstream and Debian bug references
* New upstream release (Closes: #690792)
- update symbols files, dropping some removed private symbols
- update build-dependencies
- help is now in yelp format
evince (3.4.0-3) unstable; urgency=low
[ Josselin Mouette ]
* Build with all hardening flags. Closes: #678995.
* Add corresponding build-dependency on a recent dpkg-dev.
[ Michael Biebl ]
* Build against poppler 0.18.
[ Jeremy Bicha ]
* Fix typo in package description
* Have libevdocument3-4 break/replace libevince3-3 too (LP: #1018543)
[ Josselin Mouette ]
* Re-add evince.mime with only application/pdf supported.
Closes: #658139.
evince (3.4.0-2) unstable; urgency=low
* Upload to unstable.
evince (3.4.0-1) experimental; urgency=low
* New upstream release.
* Wrap dependencies.
* Remove obsolete Replaces.
* Drop explicit Build-Depends on gir packages.
* Don't bother setting a shlibs version for dh_makeshlibs since we use a
symbols file, use "-V -- -c4" instead.
* Bump Standards-Version to 3.9.3.
* Split libevince3-3 into libevdocument3-4 and libevview3-3 as libevdocument
had a soname bump but libevview did not, so they are no longer in sync.
We still keep a single -dev and gir package for convenience sake.
* Mention support for XPS documents in the package description.
evince (3.3.90-1) experimental; urgency=low
* New upstream development release.
* Change section of gir1.2-evince-3.0 to introspection.
* Tighten dependency beetwen libevince-dev and gir1.2-evince-3.0.
* Exclude /usr/lib/nautilus/ and /usr/lib/evince/ from dh_makeshlibs.
* debian/patches/01_poppler-0.16-compat.patch: Keep evince compiling against
0.16 so we don't require 0.18. Thanks Pino Toscano for the patch.
* Enable XPS support.
* Add symbols file for libevince3-3.
-- Sebastien Bacher <email address hidden> Mon, 12 Nov 2012 16:36:53 +0100
evince (3.6.0-0ubuntu2) quantal; urgency=low
* debian/apparmor-profile: for evince and evince-previewer, allow owner 'rw'
access to /{,var/}run/user/*/dconf/user (LP: #1062531)
-- Jamie Strandboge <email address hidden> Tue, 09 Oct 2012 08:51:50 -0500