Change logs for tex-common source package in Raring

  • tex-common (3.15) unstable; urgency=high
      * break against old latex-cjk-chinese shipping not working hyphenation
        definitons (Closes: #697669)
     -- Norbert Preining <email address hidden>  Thu, 10 Jan 2013 07:45:09 +0900
  • tex-common (3.14) unstable; urgency=low
      * breaks texlive-lang-arab to ensure its removal during upgrades from
        lenny -> squeeze -> wheezy (Closes: #694258) (thanks Andreas Beckmann)
     -- Norbert Preining <email address hidden>  Sun, 25 Nov 2012 11:16:02 +0900
  • tex-common (3.13) unstable; urgency=high
      * rebuild all updmap.cfg files regardless of presence of snippets
        this is necessary to make sure that after the last package in
        TEXFMDEBIAN has disappeared, the updmap.cfg file is empty
        (Closes: #677698) (urgency high, as this is actually a critical
        bug since users cannot easily fix the updmap.cfg file without
        manual intervention)
     -- Norbert Preining <email address hidden>  Mon, 18 Jun 2012 10:19:41 +0900