tina (0.1.11-3) unstable; urgency=low
* Switch to Git and point the Vcs-* fields to Gitorious.
* Use bzip2 compression for the Debian tarball.
* Bump Standards-Version to 3.9.2 with no changes.
* Refresh the copyright file:
- refer to "Debian systems"
- update to the candidate rev. 174 of the DEP 5 format
- add the Source URL in the header
- bump the year on my copyright notice
* Bump the debhelper compatibility level to 8 with no changes.
* Use hardening-includes instead of the hardening-wrapper so that
the hardening flags are visible in CFLAGS and LDFLAGS.
* Fix some more compiler warnings in the 01-warnings patch.
* Change the first letter of the synopsis to lowercase.
* Add Multi-Arch: foreign for the binary package.
* Use the unversioned libncurses-dev build dependency.
-- Ubuntu Archive Auto-Sync <email address hidden> Mon, 17 Oct 2011 16:39:43 +0000