Change logs for xkeyboard-config source package in Raring

  • xkeyboard-config (2.5.1-3ubuntu1) raring; urgency=low
      * Merge from Debian unstable. Remaining Ubuntu changes:
        + control, rules, xkb-data-i18n.install, xkb-data.install: Split out
          xkb-data-i18n to be used by console-setup.
          + Migrate console-setup/keyboard-configuration settings from dvorak-intl
            to dvorak-alt-intl to match rename in xkeyboard-config 1.9. (LP: 742683)
          + Remove the xkb cache to make sure it gets regenerated.
        + 105_intelligent_keyboard.patch: Add support for the Intelligent
          Keyboard K04
        + 108_fix_intltool_make_check.diff: Fix make check in the presence
          of the quilt patch system.
        + 110_dead_hook_horn.patch: Add two deadkeys on level 3 and 4 of the
          j key for the latin keymap. (LP: #825624)
        + 111_cz_ssharp.patch: Fix mapping of 4th level of the AC11 key to
          ssharp rather than quotedbl for the Czech layout.  Cherrypick of
          patch from upstream. (LP: #953477)
        + 112_dk_dvorak_tilde.patch: Fix tilde key in the Danish Dvorak layout. It's
          not the same as Norwegian as has been assumed previously. (LP: #989626)
      * Add multi-arch support (Closes: #677884)
    xkeyboard-config (2.5.1-3) unstable; urgency=low
      * Cherry-picks from upstream:
        - A couple of missing chars in gr(polytonic), added on levels 3, 4
          (closes: #696126)
        - Reverting broken fix for is keyboard
        - symbols: ossmath is CTRL+ALT, not FOUR_LEVEL (closes: #657440)
        - symbols/gr: fix comment (closes: #696125)
    xkeyboard-config (2.5.1-2.1) unstable; urgency=low
      * Non-maintainer upload.
      * Preserve Shift modifier so GTK3 apps can properly differentiate between
        F10 and Shift+F10 (Closes: #656685).
    xkeyboard-config (2.5.1-2) unstable; urgency=low
      [ Ansgar Burchardt ]
      * Use xz compression for binary packages (Closes: #683891).
    xkeyboard-config (2.5.1-1) unstable; urgency=low
      * New upstream release:
        - Update translations, the previous release was rushed a bit for
          the security fix.
     -- Benjamin Drung <email address hidden>   Sun, 03 Feb 2013 01:08:43 +0100
  • xkeyboard-config (2.5-1ubuntu7) quantal; urgency=low
      * Add patch 114_shift_f10.patch.  Don't let Ctrl+Alt consume Shift, else
        it causes Shift-F10 to be treated as F10.  This can result in popup
        menus opening when they shouldn't.
        (LP: #937822)
     -- Bryce Harrington <email address hidden>   Mon, 24 Sep 2012 15:19:25 -0700