Change logs for gcr source package in Saucy

  • gcr (3.8.2-4) unstable; urgency=low
      [ Jeremy Bicha ]
      * Update homepage
      [ Laurent Bigonville ]
      * d/p/Allow-valgrind-support-to-be-completely-disabled.patch,
        debian/rules: Disable valgrind macros, this is seems to cause
        miscompilations on some architectures (Closes: #678496)
      * debian/rules, debian/control: Add call to dh-autoreconf
     -- Laurent Bigonville <email address hidden>  Sun, 30 Jun 2013 00:08:09 +0200
  • gcr (3.8.2-3) unstable; urgency=low
      * debian/
        - Fix typo in gir1.2-gcr-3 long description (Closes: #699679)
        - Use canonical URL for Vcs-Svn field
      * debian/rules: Use DEB_LDFLAGS_MAINT_APPEND instead of LDFLAGS and include to avoid overriding hardening flags
      * Bump debhelper and cdbs build-dependencies and convert the package to
        multi-arch (Closes: #692743)
     -- Laurent Bigonville <email address hidden>  Tue, 18 Jun 2013 21:01:07 +0200
  • gcr (3.8.2-0ubuntu1) saucy; urgency=low
      * New upstream version
     -- Sebastien Bacher <email address hidden>   Fri, 31 May 2013 18:15:02 +0200
  • gcr (3.8.1-1) experimental; urgency=low
      * New upstream release.
      * debian/libgcr-3-1.symbols:
        + Bump all the symbols' min version to 3.8.0 as
          was renamed to during 3.7.x and so rdeps need
          to depend on a new enough version that ships,
          as that's what they link against now because of the
 -> symlink.
     -- Emilio Pozuelo Monfort <email address hidden>  Sun, 28 Apr 2013 11:40:05 +0200
  • gcr (3.6.2-0ubuntu2) raring; urgency=low
      * Add 00git_gobject_gi_name.patch: Use GObject.Object instead of GLib.Object
        in introspection annotations. Patch backported from 3.8. Fixes FTBFS.
        (LP: #1163786)
     -- Martin Pitt <email address hidden>   Wed, 03 Apr 2013 11:17:42 +0200