pike7.8 (7.8.700-7) unstable; urgency=low
* Correct the Replaces and Breaks declarations related to moving
Tools.PV (Closes: #711593).
* Also move compatibility Image module to pike7.8-image.
* Modify package descriptions noting what modules are in each package
and that the Postgres module is deprecated.
* Update Vcs-Browser URL.
* Actually apply undefined_htons.patch.
-- Magnus Holmgren <email address hidden> Sat, 08 Jun 2013 20:15:11 +0200
pike7.8 (7.8.700-6) unstable; urgency=low
* hurd.patch: Add mach/message.h to one more place in src/configure and
add HAVE_MACH_MESSAGE_H to src/machine.h.in.
* nettle_crypt_md5_buffer_size.patch (new): Nette.MD5: passwd array was
too small.
* pcre_info_obsolete.patch (new): Stop using the long-obsolete
pcre_info(), which was just recently removed from the headers but
remains in the library.
* undefined_htons.patch (mew): Include the necessary header file
declaring htons() in Protocols.DNS_SD.
-- Magnus Holmgren <email address hidden> Sat, 08 Jun 2013 01:56:51 +0200
pike7.8 (7.8.700-5) unstable; urgency=low
* Build-depend on libtiff-dev rather than libtiff4-dev (Closes: #708365).
* Move Tools.PV from -core to -gtk and make -gtk depend on -image, since
Tools.PV requires both but is too small to make its own package
(Closes: #711060).
* hurd.patch (new): Make Pike build on Debian GNU/Hurd.
-- Magnus Holmgren <email address hidden> Thu, 06 Jun 2013 22:53:05 +0200
pike7.8 (7.8.700-4ubuntu1) saucy; urgency=low
* Resynchronise with Debian. Remaining changes:
- Build-depend on libtiff-dev rather than libtiff4-dev.
pike7.8 (7.8.700-4) unstable; urgency=low
* reg_enum_conflict.patch: The conflict is with an enum, so we have to
rename our enum constants (really Closes: #708366). Also add DEP-3
pike7.8 (7.8.700-3) unstable; urgency=low
* Link pike7.8-odbc to unixodbc, not iodbc, since the latter is not
multiarch-aware and not capable of handling the ODBC drivers in
wheezy (Closes: #707911).
* reg_enum_conflict.patch (new): Undefine conflicting REG_* definitions
for now (Closes: #708366).
pike7.8 (7.8.700-2) unstable; urgency=low
* Upload to unstable.
* module-layout.patch: Use __REAL_MAJOR__ and __REAL_MINOR__ in
version-specific include and module paths; __REAL_VERSION__, being a
float, could allegedly cause trouble.
* Bump Standards-Version to 3.9.4
pike7.8 (7.8.700-1) experimental; urgency=low
* New upstream release.
* Since the upstream tarball no longer contains Nettle 1.15, which
contained non-fee IETF documents, but instead Nettle 2.5, we can ship
it unmodified.
* Override the Lintian warnings about outdated config.guess files in the
bundles directories, as they aren't used.
* Drop nettle-2.1.patch. Refresh remaining patches.
* Exclude the ZXID module for now, until zxid has been packaged for
* No longer exclude the PV (picture viewer) tool, as it now supports
pike7.8 (7.8.550-dfsg-1) experimental; urgency=low
* The latest official upstream "beta" release.
- Dropped dumping_problems.patch; incorporated upstream.
- unbreak_cross_compilation.patch partially incorporated upstream.
* Update debian/watch to point to
-- Colin Watson <email address hidden> Mon, 27 May 2013 16:00:18 +0100
pike7.8 (7.8.352-dfsg-7ubuntu1) quantal; urgency=low
* Build-depend on libtiff-dev rather than libtiff4-dev.
-- Colin Watson <email address hidden> Sun, 09 Sep 2012 13:36:19 +0100