pyxdg (0.25-2) experimental; urgency=low
* Team upload.
[ Thomas Kluyver ]
* Don't use nosetests-x.y scripts for tests.
[ Dmitry Shachnev ]
* Unify patches naming (use .patch extension, and dashes in file name).
* Merge from Ubuntu:
+ debian/patches/gettext-support.patch: support Gettext-Domain fields.
+ debian/patches/prefer-first-glob-for-finding-mimetype.patch:
Cherry-pick from upstream to fix test failure with *.png files; when
there are multiple globs with the same pattern (as introduced in the
latest shared-mime-info update), the last one was preferred. It should
have been the first. [Thanks to Thomas Kluyver and Iain Lane]
* Refresh debian/patches/set-default-menu.patch.
* Bump Standards-Version to 3.9.4, no changes needed.
* debian/patches/gettext-support.patch: also disable the test that could
fail when gedit is installed.
-- Dmitry Shachnev <email address hidden> Fri, 08 Mar 2013 22:44:35 +0400