acetoneiso (2.4-1) unstable; urgency=low
* New upstream release
- converted genisoimage to xorriso for "Folder to ISO" feature
- default KDE file manager now set to dolphin, removed kmfclient usage
- fixed youtube-dl "-b" option not working anymore
- fixed issue when mounting in an a generic folder [reported by
Jack Bauer]
- ensure gpg2 is installed, bug ticket about gpg2
- removed phonon dependency
- updated Russian translation [Thanks to Oleg Koptev]
- added Spanish translation [Thanks to Otniel Watanabe]
- UI changes, disabled all incomplete features (burning, torrent) and
disabled updates tab
* Translations
- update Portuguese Brazilian translation (Closes: #715318)
- include new translations from Launchpad (2013-11-14)
- fix untranslated strings that were shown as empty (Closes: #728829,
LP: #1220868)
* Remove references to defunct homepage (Closes: #706741, LP: #1179127)
* Update the copyright file to include all HTML manuals
* Allow build for any architecture (it was linux-any)
* Bump standards version to 3.9.5
* Added VCS links
* Added Categories entry to .desktop file
-- Nick Andrik <email address hidden> Sun, 17 Nov 2013 05:05:08 +0100