bioperl-run (1.6.9-1) unstable; urgency=low
* New upstream release.
* Converted and validated debian/copyright to latest machine-readable format.
* debian/control:
- Refreshed the list of packages for which wrappers are provided, in the
Suggests field as well as in an experimental Build-Recommends field.
- Incremented Standards-Version to reflect conformance with Policy 3.9.2.
No other changes needed.
- Vcs-Browser URL made redirectable to viewvc.
- Removed useless ‘svn’ in the Vcs-Svn URL.
* Point debian/watch to CPAN.
* Tiny style with Debhelper 8 (debian/rules, debian/compat, debian/control).
* Split scripts in bioperl-run and modules in libbio-perl-run-perl.
(debian/rules, debian/control, debian/bioperl-run.install,
* debian/rules, debian/patches/series, debian/control:
- debian/patches/install-scripts.patch for non-interactive script install.
- debian/patches/Use-system-s-Perl.patch against /usr/local/bin/perl.
- debian/patches/Some-spellchecking.patch.
* Trigger network tests with DEB_MAINTAINER_MODE (debian/rules,
-- Ubuntu Archive Auto-Sync <email address hidden> Sun, 19 Jun 2011 03:56:48 +0000