libdevel-hide-perl source package in Trusty

libdevel-hide-perl: No summary available for libdevel-hide-perl in ubuntu wily.

Versions published


The package versions that were published when the distribution release was made.

libdevel-hide-perl information

Current version:
Low Urgency

Upstream connections

Launchpad doesn’t know which project and series this package belongs to. Links from distribution packages to upstream project let distribution and upstream maintainers share bugs, patches, and translations efficiently.

There are no projects registered in Launchpad that are a potential match for this source package. Can you help us find one?

Releases in Ubuntu

Binary packages

Download files from current release (0.0009-1)

File Size SHA-256 Checksum
libdevel-hide-perl_0.0009-1.dsc 2.1 KiB 1c864399e4a324797fbb42002b76f52aaf0775823bfb4597c18fd97cdae68b88
libdevel-hide-perl_0.0009.orig.tar.gz 6.8 KiB 71dec40b9e53cd2dc98301ea4a64e1a95b71aa414f9b0d6d28c56c54f8fa16de
libdevel-hide-perl_0.0009-1.debian.tar.gz 1.8 KiB 0b5ebf92212f5520d9214b05cb96dfd71a8f7929bd49879be1b87a04097d50e8

Package relationships

Build dependencies

Platform-independent build dependencies

Platform-dependent build dependencies

Build conflicts

Platform-independent build dependencies

Platform-dependent build dependencies