Change logs for installation-guide source package in Utopic
installation-guide (20100518ubuntu10.14.10.1) utopic-proposed; urgency=medium * Update release name and version for Utopic. (LP: #1419955) * Add note and example for 'd-i live-installer/net-image', which is now required to let the installer know where the preinstalled squashfs can be reached. (LP: #1368700) -- Mathieu Trudel-Lapierre <email address hidden> Mon, 16 Feb 2015 15:19:52 -0500
installation-guide (20100518ubuntu10) saucy; urgency=low * Bump versions and names for Saucy, including kernel and GNOME. * Rename armel manual to armhf, and s/armel/armhf/ throughout. -- Adam Conrad <email address hidden> Sun, 04 Aug 2013 02:13:22 +0100