mono-basic (3.0~pre20130627.4dcc70f-1) unstable; urgency=low
* [a3bcf78] Imported Upstream version 3.0~git20130424.f5a46b1
* [c57b8a8] Imported Upstream version 3.0~pre20130424b.f338540
* [3b7d846] Imported Upstream version 3.0~pre20130425.a74642a
* [94018a3] Imported Upstream version 3.0~pre20130627.4dcc70f
* [6d60a32] Bump ABI to 2.99, for versioning. We can't use 3.0 here, as
this is as pre-3.0 git snapshot, and this would encode a requirement
on 3.0 final
* [3faddfd] Bump build dependency to Mono 3.0, since we need .NET 4.5
* [8f6d231] Add VB2012 (.NET 4.5, VB11) packaging data
* [305bbcb] Refresh debian/copyright with DEP5
* [71da9ff] Modify dependencies of mono-vbnc to include all references
in vbnc.exe.rsp - these are default compiler flags so if they're not
installed, the compiler won't work unless you pass /nostdlib (Closes:
* [b9f1d12] Make VB11 pull in VB10 runtime library, due to weird
internal version resolution issues.
-- Jo Shields <email address hidden> Tue, 9 Jul 2013 22:05:29 +0100