uhd source package in Utopic

libuhd-dev: universal hardware driver for Ettus Research products
libuhd003: universal hardware driver for Ettus Research products
uhd-host: universal hardware driver for Ettus Research products

Versions published

There is no current release of this source package in The Utopic Unicorn. You can still report bugs, make translations, and so on, but they might not be used until the package is published.

uhd information

No published releases of this package have been uploaded in Ubuntu Utopic

Upstream connections


Suporte, notícias e entretenimento dedicados aos usuarios Ubuntu. O Ubuntu HD, reuni novidades, downloads,dicas e tutorias em um único lugar! Nosso site foi recem lançado, e ainda precisa de parceiros, para juntos podermos dar maior suporte a usuarios que migraram para a plataforma Ubuntu recentemente! ACESSE: http://ubuntuhd.webnode.com/

Bug supervisor: no
Bug tracker: no
Branch: no

There are no registered releases for the Ubuntuhd ⇒ trunk.