wmaker source package in Utopic

libwings-dev: Window Maker's own widget set
libwings2: Window Maker's own widget set - runtime library
libwraster3: Shared libraries of Window Maker rasterizer
libwraster3-dev: Static libraries and headers of Window Maker rasterizer
libwutil3: No summary available for libwutil3 in ubuntu wily.
wmaker: No summary available for wmaker in ubuntu vivid.
wmaker-common: Window Maker - Architecture independent files
wmaker-dbg: Debugging symbols for WindowMaker packages

Versions published

There is no current release of this source package in The Utopic Unicorn. You can still report bugs, make translations, and so on, but they might not be used until the package is published.

wmaker information

No published releases of this package have been uploaded in Ubuntu Utopic

Upstream connections

Window Makertrunk

Window Maker is an X11 window manager originally designed to provide integration support for the GNUstep Desktop Environment. In every way possible, it reproduces the elegant look and feel of the NEXTSTEP user interface. It is fast, feature rich, easy to configure, and easy to use. It is also free software, with contributions being made by programmers from around the world.

Bug supervisor: yes
Bug tracker: yes
Branch: yes

There are no registered releases for the Window Maker ⇒ trunk.

Releases in Ubuntu