Change logs for kiwi source package in Vivid

  • kiwi (1.9.22-2) unstable; urgency=low
      [ Sandro Tosi ]
      * debian/control
        - switch Vcs-Browser field to viewsvn
        - bump python-pydoctor to requre >= 0.2-4.1, this version is needed to build
          kiwi with Python 2.6 as default; thanks to Jakub Wilk for the report;
          Closes: #571492
        - replace b-d-i on python-all-dev with python-all, since building arch:all
        - added misc:Depends to binary package Depends
      * debian/python-kiwi.doc-base.api
        - set section to Programming/Python
      * debian/compat
        - set compat version to 5
      * debian/preinst
        - 'set -e' explicitly
     -- Ubuntu Archive Auto-Sync <email address hidden>   Sun,  09 May 2010 13:53:04 +0100