Change logs for netatalk source package in Vivid

  • netatalk (2.2.5-1) unstable; urgency=medium
      [ upstream ]
      * New stable release 2.2.3.
        + Add afpd support for Apple mDNSResponder.
        + Add afpd new LDAP config option ldap_uuid_string.
        + Based on Unicode 6.1.0.
        + Update experimental systemd service files to always run both afpd
          and cnid_metad (unsuitable for 2.x: lack AppleTalk support).
        + Update afpd to ensure our umask is not altered by e.g. pam_umask.
        + Update  afpd to use GSS_C_NO_NAME as server principal when
          Kerberos options -fqdn and -krb5service are not set.
        + Update afpd CNID handling for TimeMachine volumes.
          Closes: bug#703426. Thanks to Dominic Evans.
        + Fix afpd sendfile() on FreeBSD.
        + Fix afpd to not use searchdb when doing partial name search.
        + Fix possible afpd bug handling disconnected sessions.
        + Fix close IPC file descriptors in afpd session child processes.
        + Fix dbd to not remove BerkeleyDB if still in use by e.g. cnid_dbd
          (a bug introduced in 2.2.2).
        + Fix debian initscript to start avahi-daemon (if available) before
        + Fix use only ASCII in Zeroconf advertised TimeMachine volume name.
      * New stable release 2.2.4:
        + Fix missing UAM links.
        + Fix lockup in AFP logout on Fedora 17.
        + Fix reset signal handlers and alarm timer after successful PAM
          authentication. Fixes a problem with AFP disconnects caused by
 messing with our handlers and timer.
        + Fix possible afpd problem with sendfile on Solaris derived
      * New stable release 2.2.5:
        + Fix errors searching volumes.
        + Add configurable symlink handling with a new volume option
          'followsymlinks'. Setting the option causes afpd to follow
          symlinks on the server side.
        + Reload groups when reloading volumes.
        + Fix a possible crash in cname() where cname_mtouname calls
          dirlookup() where the curdir is freed because the dircache
          detected a dev/inode cache difference and evicted the object
          from the cache.
        + Fix change default FinderInfo for directories to be all 0.
      [ Jonas Smedegaard ]
      * Update README.source to emphasize file as *not* a
        show-stopper for contributions, referring to wiki page for details.
      * Adapt to upstream change from CVS to git:
        + Add git URL as alternate upstream source.
        + Have git-import-orig suppress upstream .gitignore file.
        + Drop helper target get-orig-vcs from rules file.
        + Stop tracking md5sum of upstream tarball (track git tags instead).
      * Drop dpkg-source local-options hint: Declared options are default
        since dpkg-source 1.16.1.
      * Move packaging to team maintenance:
        + Update Vcs-* Maintainer fields in control file.
        + (Re-)add myself as uploader.
      * Drop patch 101: Adopted upstream.
      * Unfuzz patches.
      * Separate upstream-relevant part of patch 205 as patch 101 to drop
        bogus warning in configfile.
      * Fix explicitly enable code paths private since CUPS 1.6.
        Closes: bug#713558. Thanks to Patrick Coulthard.
      * Add patch 102 to fix bashisms in add_netatalk_printer script.
        Closes: bug#581127. Thanks to Raphael Geissert.
      * Add patch 103 to fix user-visible typos in log output and
        Closes: bug#685162. Thanks to Ralf Hildebrandt.
      * extend logcheck filters.
        Closes: bug#589215, #588832. Thanks to Radek Antoniuk.
      * Update copyright file:
        + Fix relabel a license as MIT~veryshort (from GAP).
        + Improve tracking of autotools files.
      * Fix DEP5 syntax error (Double "Copyright:").
      * Fix revert to SysV stop action at default runlevels:
        + Add patch 104 to adjust LSB header.
        + Drop custom update-rc.d parameters (also other now obsolete ones)
          in rules file.
        Closes: bug#745520. Thanks to "c" and Chad.
      * Tidy patches:
        + Normalize extension of patch 205.
        + Rename patches cherry-picked upstream to be based on changedata +
          git hash.
        + Add DEP3 patch headers.
        + Unfuzz patches.
      * Limit watch file to 2.x versions.
      [ Adrian Knoth ]
      * Update copyright file:
        + Fix DEP5 syntax error ("Files:" misspelled).
      [ Brian Campbell ]
      * Fix patch 103 to exclude debian/changelog typos.
      * Add debug package.
      * Explicitly set DEB_DESTDIR now that we're building two binary
      * Update package relations:
        + Relax to build-depend unversioned on cdbs: Needed version
          satisfied even in oldstable.
        + Build-depend on autotools-dev.
      * Cherry-pick patches from upstream mainline git branch:
        + Fix error reporting for connection errors.
        + Fix crash following symlinks.
        + Fix handling of large numbers of volumes.
      [ Chris Boot ]
      * Add patch 105 to fix an unterminated quoted string in
      * Update standards version to 3.9.5.
      * Fix Vcs-Git URL to make it canonical.
      * Fix avoid duplicate Section fields in control file.
     -- Jonas Smedegaard <email address hidden>  Wed, 23 Apr 2014 16:48:09 +0200
  • netatalk (2.2.2-1ubuntu2) trusty; urgency=low
      * No change rebuild against db 5.3.
     -- Dmitrijs Ledkovs <email address hidden>   Sat, 02 Nov 2013 17:18:24 +0000