Change logs for update-notifier source package in Vivid

  • update-notifier (3.160) vivid; urgency=medium
      * ./debian/update-notifier-cds.conf: Stop asking udisks 1 for the
        mountpoint, just awk /proc/mounts for the mount point. (LP: #1411987)
     -- Martin Pitt <email address hidden>   Tue, 20 Jan 2015 10:34:47 +0100
  • update-notifier (3.159) vivid; urgency=medium
      [ Dimitri John Ledkov ]
      * Prepare for udev-bridge on the session bus. (LP: #1409129)
     -- Martin Pitt <email address hidden>   Fri, 16 Jan 2015 18:59:51 +0100
  • update-notifier (3.158) vivid; urgency=medium
      * debian/update-notifier-cds.conf: use the correct comparison operator for
        checking the type of CD. (LP: #1400357)
     -- Brian Murray <email address hidden>   Wed, 10 Dec 2014 12:41:49 -0800
  • update-notifier (3.157) utopic; urgency=medium
      * debian/update-notifier-crash.conf: avoid race condition where the crash
        report may not yet be writable when the inotify create event happens.
     -- Brian Murray <email address hidden>   Fri, 03 Oct 2014 17:00:11 -0700