mobile-broadband-provider-info (20140317-1) unstable; urgency=low
[Bhavani Shankar]
* Merge upstream version 20140317 from git:
- Add MMS information.
- README: Update link to correct documentation.
- KG: Add balance-check code for Beeline (Kyrgyzstan).
- US: Add "" APN for T-Mobile.
- CZ: Add O2 prepaid plans (like NA!VYBER).
- AR: Personal Argentina: Merge 2 APNs into same provider.
- AR: Movistar Argentina: Add 'Internet' credentials to APN.
- AR: Movistar Argentina: Provide name for the WAP APN.
- GL: Add Tele Greenland A/S support.
- CZ: Add balance check ussd code for
- SD: Update balance-check and balance-top-up for Zain Sudan.
- MD: Add Moldovan provider "Unité" and remove "Eventis".
- US: Add "pta" APN for AT&T.
* Bumping up standards in debian/control
* Updating the year in debian/copyright
[John Paul Adrian Glaubitz]
* Clean up debian/changelog.
* Update upstream homepage in debian/control and debian/copyright.
* Bump debhelper version in debian/control and debian/compat to 9.
-- Bhavani Shankar <email address hidden> Mon, 17 Mar 2014 23:21:28 +0530