Change logs for scim-chewing source package in Xenial

  • scim-chewing (0.3.5-1ubuntu1) wily; urgency=medium
      * Merge from Debian unstable. Remaining changes:
        - debian/control:
          + Build-depend on scim-gtk-immodule.
          + Recommend im-switch.
        - debian/rules:
          + Configure with sysconfdir=/etc, disable-static, and disable-rpath.
          + Add -f to the rm commands for the *.a and *.la files.
          + Install the file for im-switch handling.
        - debian/30_autotools_changes.patch:
          + Fix up po/ to use some judicious touch rules to avoid
            an infinite loop on the build daemons.
          + Make sure LIBTOOL_EXPORT_OPTIONS is exported.
        - debian/scim-chewing.postinst: Add scim-chewing as an alternative input
          method for zh_TW.
        - debian/scim-chewing.prerm: Remove scim-chewing as an alternative input
          method for zh_TW.
      * Refresh patch.
      * Remove autotools-dev usage, as we now use dh-autoreconf.
    scim-chewing (0.3.5-1) unstable; urgency=medium
      [ ChangZhuo Chen (陳昌倬) ]
      * New upstream release.
      * Bump Standards-Version to 3.9.6.
      * Change maintainer to IME Packaging Team:
        * Update Vcs-*.
      * Update patches:
        * Remove upstream applied gtk.patch.
        * Update 0001-Change-libchewing-requirement-to-0.3.5.patch for
      * Use dh-autoreconf.
      * Use GitHub in watch.
      [ Andrew Lee (李健秋) ]
      * Rewriting copyright file machine-readable format version 1.0.
      * debian/changelog: added full stops and colons.
     -- Logan Rosen <email address hidden>  Sun, 16 Aug 2015 22:46:32 -0700