scribus (1.4.6+dfsg-2ubuntu0.1) xenial; urgency=medium
* Backport 1.4.6+dfsg-3 to make scribus appear in gnome-software again.
LP: #1575339
-- Mattia Rizzolo <email address hidden> Thu, 26 May 2016 17:38:49 +0000
scribus (1.4.6+dfsg-2) unstable; urgency=medium
* debian/control:
+ [a5cb3d9] Bump Standards-Version to 3.9.7, no changes needed.
+ [cd83e0b] Use HTTPS in Vcs-Git.
+ [954d474] specify this is the stable branch also in -data and -dev.
* [5481869] Stop installing our copy of scribus.xpm. The Upstream-provided
scribus.png is a good enough icon.
* [d485971] Stop installing the TODO file, it contains nothing useful.
* Changes done to have all 3 scribus packages (scribus and scribus-{ng,trunk})
both in their debian version (with non-dfsg file stripped) and upstream
build out of the same debian/ directory as much as possible:
+ [eca36ad] debian/copyright: Files-Excluded use 1.?.? in the directory name
+ [1954d97] copy the icon in the right directory here, then ask dh_install
to install the whole pixmaps directory.
+ [4c30a70] debian/control: Build-Depend on dh-exec
+ debian/rules:
- [55c9d59,1d92302] add some noop code.
- [27bbe92] export $p to the environment
- [c89f99b] just install the .desktop file with a sane name directly in
/usr/share/applications, instead of having to move it around later.
+ [1b5bcc5] parametrize the package name with dh-exec in d/*.{install,links}
* [6899854] lintian-overrides: override dh-exec-subst-unknown-variable.
-- Mattia Rizzolo <email address hidden> Tue, 22 Mar 2016 17:03:41 +0000
scribus (1.4.6+dfsg-1build1) xenial; urgency=medium
* No-change rebuild against libpodofo0.9.3
-- Martin Pitt <email address hidden> Mon, 25 Jan 2016 13:55:09 +0100
scribus (1.4.6+dfsg-1) unstable; urgency=medium
* [82759c4] Imported Upstream version 1.4.6+dfsg.
* [42af1c2] debian/{control,copyright}: use my @debian.org email address-
* [220819b] debian/patches: refresh them all.
* [9468eab] Fix typos in packaging files. Thanks codespell.
* debian/control:
+ [4b5506d] Remove malex from maintainer and put myself in.
Thanks you for maintaining scribus for so long!
+ [01988ce] Remove useless version costraints.
+ [f81b9d5] Build-dep on dh-python, python-all, instead of python-all-dev.
+ [5d6f574] Drop old/useless ${python:Provides} substvar.
* debian/rules:
+ [5a6a8db,8e5df2c] parametrize 'scribus' it in a variable.
+ [cec468d] debian/rules: use DH_VERBOSE=1.
+ [4ed094a] debian/rules: call dh_python2 over python scripts.
* debian/copyright:
+ [59548e7] Remove scribus-1.4.?/resources/swatches/CIE-* from the tarball.
+ [304e0e6] Update copyright years to 2016.
-- Mattia Rizzolo <email address hidden> Tue, 12 Jan 2016 20:11:07 +0000
scribus (1.4.5+dfsg1-5) unstable; urgency=medium
* [56e1b09] d/p/support-arbitrary-hyphenator-name: allow the dicts to be
symlinked. Closes: #804477
-- Mattia Rizzolo <email address hidden> Mon, 09 Nov 2015 19:12:51 +0000
scribus (1.4.5+dfsg1-4) unstable; urgency=medium
* [8966ea3] debian/scribus.menu: delete, per recent CTTE decision
* [3b57457] debian/rules: just exclude all .so from dh_fixperms.
That way it'll run over the directory and thus making the build
reproducible again. Thanks to Santiago Vila for the suggestion.
-- Mattia Rizzolo <email address hidden> Sun, 11 Oct 2015 08:03:03 +0000
scribus (1.4.5+dfsg1-2) unstable; urgency=medium
* debian/control:
+ [1fb6d0b] use the cgit fronted in Vcs-Browser
+ [0fbaafb] change to priority:extra from optional, since we depend on a
priority:extra package
* [0f3a7ac] debian/scribus{,-data}.install: install the .desktop file in
/usr/share/applications in the scribus binary
Closes: #795705, LP: #1487031
-- Mattia Rizzolo <email address hidden> Thu, 24 Sep 2015 09:45:02 +0000