ubuntu-font-family-sources (1:0.83-0ubuntu2) xenial; urgency=medium
* Revert back to the previous 0.83 version: 0.84 has visual regressions.
(LP: #1520772)
* Clean up /etc/fonts/conf.avail/65-ubuntu-font-family-arabic.conf
-- Iain Lane <email address hidden> Thu, 10 Mar 2016 14:15:23 +0000
ubuntu-font-family-sources (0.84~mono0.83+arabicfontconfig-0ubuntu1) xenial; urgency=medium
[Iain Lane]
* New upstream release for Arabic Fontconfig fallback mechanism alpha test
+ Include versions of Ubuntu Arabic font for testing.
+ Include fontconfig fallback for "Ubuntu" to "Ubuntu Arabic"
+ Include Thin weight of Ubuntu font
[Dalton Maag]
* Fixing the following bugs:
+ [2 mod] Style: v ν x χ Greek and Latin characters use the same glyph in
italic style (LP: #654484)
+ [1 mod] U+0311 Combining inverted breve should have zero width (LP:
+ [15 mod] Style: Hebrew: Nikud diacriticals not aligned to letters (LP:
+ [nc] Set Vertical Metrics to BBOX and LineGap 0 to avoid clipping on MS
Windows (LP: #859677)
+ [1 mod] greek letter for pi looks like n (LP: #1131170)
+ [1 mod] Kerning: Å¿ (U+017F) [latin long s] colliding with following
characters (LP: #682472)
+ [1 mod] Kerning: [g" kerning wrong for bold" (LP: #710786)
+ [nc] Technical: Set NAME.License-*. The fonts do not contain License or
License URL in the TTF Names (LP: #763273)
[Paul Sladen]
* The supplied Mono weights included a visual regression in respect of lower
'i' in respect of efforts to address 'ι' (iota) in LP#692778
* Thusly, this packaged release does not fixing the following bugs - it
contains the "0.83" previous version of Ubuntu Mono:
+ [1 mod] Mono: Patch U+EFFD to current version - LP#862440
+ [nc] Mono: bold characters appear higher than regular characters
- LP#872852
+ [1 mod] Style: Mono: letter small Latin iota (U+0269) different than
Latin letter small i (U+069) - LP#692778
+ [1 mod] [Ubuntu Mono] Consecutive underscores should have visible
separation - LP#827641
+ [1 mod] Mono: comma and semi-colon render slightly differently
- LP#851896
+ [1 mod] Mono: Capital M is slightly asymmetric - LP#1096769
-- Iain Lane <email address hidden> Fri, 27 Nov 2015 18:21:42 +0000
ubuntu-font-family-sources (0.83-0ubuntu1) wily; urgency=low
* New upstream release
* Recompile and re-sign proportional fonts (x8)
* Note: created by partial binary patching of v0.80
[Marc Foley]
* [Engineering] Fixed wrong characters appear in some mac apps. (LP: #1334363)
-- Paul Sladen <email address hidden> Fri, 21 Aug 2015 18:27:58 +0200