Change logs for ubuntu-mate-welcome source package in Yakkety

  • ubuntu-mate-welcome (16.10.11) yakkety; urgency=medium
      [ Luke Horwell ]
      * Fix checkboxes not working. (LP: #1632680)
      [ Martin Wimpress ]
      * Remove HipChat for i386. (LP: #1632878)
     -- Martin Wimpress <email address hidden>  Wed, 12 Oct 2016 23:10:31 +0100
  • ubuntu-mate-welcome (16.10.10) yakkety; urgency=medium
      [ Luke Horwell ]
      * Correct description for Adobe Flash. (LP: 1630266)
      * Add keyboard navigation support. (LP: 1616203)
      * Minor fixes for Getting Started buttons.
      * Sync translations.
      [ Martin Wimpress ]
      * Fix Orca upgrade. The a11y PPA is not Yakkety enabled.
     -- Martin Wimpress <email address hidden>  Fri, 05 Oct 2016 22:18:13 +0100
  • ubuntu-mate-welcome (16.10.9) yakkety; urgency=medium
      [ Martin Wimpress ]
      * New upstream release.
      * Remove ocenaudio. (LP: #1613410)
      [ Luke Horwell ]
      * Minor string changes.
      * Fix Getting Started sections not re-closing. (LP: #1626909)
      * Fix broken images in bulk queue. (LP: #1626896)
      * Fix notifications for bulk queue operations. (LP: #1626899)
      * Fix "Upgrade Installed Packages" button. (LP: #1626907)
      * Fix inoperable introduction links.
      * Fix Getting Started hints not appearing.
      * Hide "open at login" checkbox for live and guest sessions.
      * Remove duplicate navigation buttons.
     -- Martin Wimpress <email address hidden>  Fri, 23 Sep 2016 09:54:10 +0100
  • ubuntu-mate-welcome (16.10.8) yakkety; urgency=medium
      [ Martin Wimpress ]
      * New upstream release.
      * Fix Audio Recorder, Gajim, InSync, KDE Connect Indicator, Kodi,
        Hedgewars, HipChat, MakeMKV, OBS Studio, Play on Linux, Ubuntu SDK,
        Ubuntu Software, Veracrypt and Wine Devel for Yakkety.
      * Update Emby, Pithos and TorBrowser for Xenial.
      * Add gElemental and Skype for Linux Alpha.
      * Sync translations.
      [ Luke Horwell ]
      * Auto-focus search box. (LP: #1606361).
      * Fix
      * Refine Getting Started.
      * Refine header/footer shadows and footer icons.
      * Reduce flickering under non Ambiant-MATE themes.
      * Update installation packages for LibreOffice, VirtualBox and Wireshark.
      [ Rob Loach ]
      * Add Thunderbird, Deja-Dup and Brasero.
      [ Polihron Alexandru ]
      * Add GNS3.
     -- Martin Wimpress <email address hidden>  Fri, 23 Sep 2016 00:33:14 +0100
  • ubuntu-mate-welcome (16.10.7) yakkety; urgency=medium
      [ Luke Horwell ]
      * Set variable whether running on an Ubuntu MATE system.
      * Do not adapt the colours on non-Ubuntu MATE systems.
      * Do not check font DPI on non-Ubuntu MATE systems.
      * Autofocus the search box.
      * Sync Translations.
     -- Martin Wimpress <email address hidden>  Tue, 26 Jul 2016 22:34:57 +0100
  • ubuntu-mate-welcome (16.10.6) yakkety; urgency=medium
      [ Martin Wimpress ]
      * Update minimum hardware requirements.
      * Migrate to python3-setproctitle module.
      [ Luke Horwell ]
      * Remove Antiviral.
      * Correct Darktable architecture listing.
      * Update Blender's Alternate to field.
      * Add Welcome PPA to known repository list.
      * Update application listings, drops Trusty where packages unavailable.
      * Correct Lithuanian string for Welcome launcher.
     -- Martin Wimpress <email address hidden>  Tue, 12 Jul 2016 10:23:20 +0100
  • ubuntu-mate-welcome ( yakkety; urgency=medium
      [ Martin Wimpress ]
      * Update Software Boutique news.
      * Fix broken applications.json.
     -- Martin Wimpress <email address hidden>  Wed, 29 Jun 2016 06:16:43 +0100
  • ubuntu-mate-welcome (16.10.5) yakkety; urgency=medium
      [ Martin Wimpress ]
      * Fixed Solaar install.
      * Fixed Codecs install.
     -- Martin Wimpress <email address hidden>  Tue, 28 Jun 2016 21:29:15 +0100
  • ubuntu-mate-welcome (16.10.4) yakkety; urgency=medium
      [ Luke Horwell ]
      * Welcome
        - Discontinue confetti and project notifications.
        - (Re)animate the scroll to top.
        - Allow terminal commands to be selected.
        - Adapts to other default Ubuntu MATE themes.
        - Switch and smoothed to a glide page transition.
        - Splash - Add "Skip" button (only on installed systems)
        - Index - Change string for updating welcome.
        - Index - Smooth button appearances.
        - Introduction - Change "wow" animations when scrolling down page.
        - Introduction - Replace "What is.." button with animation hint.
        - Getting Started - New utilities section.
        - Getting Started - Add Logitech Solaar to utilities.
      * Internal Code
        - Re-jiggled around in some places.
        - Rename class "live-session" => "live-session-hide"
        - animate.css = Removed non-webkit elements. Saved 43.7 kB (~40%)
        - Update argument processing.
      * Bug Fixes
        - Correct news sorting - 10 after 9.
        - Prevent navigation text flashes when entering some pages.
        - Allow the same link to be clicked again.
      * Boutique
        - Use new apt 'full-upgrade' command.
        - Show warning when Boutique is ran on other distributions.
        - Slightly faster splash animation.
        - Add a "pretty" repository listing feature.
        - Change page transition to a simple fade.
        - Fix bug where multiple pages get clumped together due to double clicks.
        - Rename "More" button to "Details".
        - Show a loading message prior to entering the Boutique.
        - Quicker fades for navigation "subtitle".
        - Re-implementation of proprietary popover.
      * Software Changes
        - Add Cheese.
        - Add Antiviral.
        - Add WineHQ Development builds.
        - PlayOnLinux only installs itself, not Wine too.
        - Use a system application icon for updates.
        - Use a keyboard icon for layouts.
        - Hide unstable "Hide Apt Progress" toggle and a hidden, unimplemented option.
        - Whitespace clean-up in applications.json.
        - Add Boutique listings for "arm64".
        - Add Boutique listings for "ppc64el".
        - Updated news.
      * Translations
        - Add splash-boutique page for translation.
        - Re-synced translations.
        - Pages that do not want translating (message.html) are ignored.
        - Translations now work as new pages now generate.
      * Tests
        - Move non-CI tests to separate folder.
        - PPA Testing = Ping the actual PPA repository URL (for Launchpad)
        - Re-shuffle required checks for known repositories.
     -- Martin Wimpress <email address hidden>  Tue, 28 Jun 2016 08:41:30 +0100
  • ubuntu-mate-welcome (16.10.3) yakkety; urgency=medium
      [ Luke Horwell ]
      * Fix translations for Getting Started.
     -- Martin Wimpress <email address hidden>  Sat, 11 Jun 2016 20:55:21 +0100
  • ubuntu-mate-welcome (16.10.2) yakkety; urgency=medium
      [ Luke Horwell ]
      * General
        - Re-shuffled icons from humanity folder.
        - Update Welcome languages for desktop launcher.
        - stdout is more colourful in a terminal.
        - Verbosity improved between none, -v and -d.
      * Internal Changes
        - Clean-up "appending variables".
        - Common strings moved to own class.
        - Only needs to call i18n once. Marginally faster?
        - Remove unused/duplicate imports.
      * Bug Fixes
        - Fix autostart directory variable. Closes #24.
        - Prevent "invalid packages" for screensavers.
      * System Specs
        - Loads faster.
        - Remove horizontal lines (looked bad while scrolling)
        - Allow text to be dragged.
        - Add Copy to Clipboard.
      * Boutique
        - Do not queue applications outside of Boutique.
        - Support enabling of multiverse repository.
        - Update VirtualBox entry.
        - "Virtualisation" Typo
        - It's open source. (Not to confuse with the extension pack, which is the closed source part)
        - Update Steam to install from Ubuntu repositories.
      * Tools & Tests
        - Update the application index debugger to look for missing screenshots and add --all parameter.
        - Moved index validation to own test file.
      [ Martin Wimpress ]
      * Fixed Wireshark uninstall.
      * Updated transaltions.
     -- Martin Wimpress <email address hidden>  Sat, 11 Jun 2016 20:17:19 +0100
  • ubuntu-mate-welcome (16.10.1) yakkety; urgency=medium
      [ Luke Horwell ]
        + General
          - New icon for Software Boutique. Installs system-wide.
          - Move humanity SVG icons to applications folder as PNGs.
        + Welcome - Getting Started
          - Rename "Software Updates" category to "Update & Extras".
          - Moved DVD Playback.
          - Add xscreensavers.
          - Moved wallpapers.
        + Boutique - General
          - Update Boutique Splash.
          - Update Boutique desktop launcher.
          - Always show "Back To Top" in Boutique
          - Internal code changes to allow code re-use.
        + Boutique - Features
          - Implement preferences. (~/.config/ubuntu-mate/welcome/preferences.json)
          - Retain non-free toggle across sessions.
          - Boutique Search requires 3 characters.
          - "Smarter" Boutique Search.
          - Now checks descriptions and "alternate to" in addition to name.
          - Abolishes regular expressions for Python's built-in functions.
          - Respects non-free toggle.
          - Add Preferences tab for Boutique.
          - Change "Fixes" icon and colour.
          - Refined installation/fixes notifications
          - Updated string.
          - Add Bulk Queue.
        + Bug Fixes
          - Fix connection retry button on Boutique offline page.
          - Fix missing software icons in news.
          - Fix HP Printer installed checkmark in Getting Started -> Drivers.
          - Use green border for input controls.
      [ Martin Wimpress ]
        + Update translations.
     -- Martin Wimpress <email address hidden>  Mon, 06 Jun 2016 17:18:50 +0100
  • ubuntu-mate-welcome (16.10.0) yakkety; urgency=medium
      [ Martin Wimpress ]
        + Update all Yakkety compatible applications.
        + Fix SpiderOAK One for Xenial and Yakkety.
        + Add Atom.
        + Add Clementine.
        + Enable Nuvola Player for Xenial.
        + Enable VirtualBox for Xenial.
        + Enable OBS Studio for Xenial.
        + Enable Subsurface for Xenial.
        + Disable ownCloud Client.
        + Update translations.
      [ Luke Horwell ]
        + Ported to WebKit 2.
        + Internal restructure changes, reorganisation and cleaning up.
        + Fix i18n translations.
        + Slightly faster launch speeds with one Apt.Cache() object.
        + Update a partitioning screenshot.
        + Use a abstract "flat" background.
        + Much, much improved scroll bar integration.
        + Update introduction page's animations.
        + Green borders around buttons on click and hover.
        + New 16.10 Splash screen (including the one used for the Boutique).
        + Rename DVD library.
        + Uses new Entroware Orion model laptop image.
        + Remove obsolete or unused files.
        + Add a script to quickly test translations.
        + Update parameters (-b, --boutique and --dev)
        + Getting Started
          - Keyboard Shortcuts - New "Tux" Super Key illustration and description.
          - Keyboard Shortcuts -New mouse icons to illustrate clicks and movement.
          - Optional Tasks - Add about setting up file shares.
        + Bug Fix - Correct i18n path.
        + Boutique
          - Add Boutique news.
          - Add application search.
          - Show apt instead of apt-get for terminal commands.
          - Use new 2016 VirtualBox signing key.
     -- Martin Wimpress <email address hidden>  Fri, 20 May 2016 23:36:21 +0100
  • ubuntu-mate-welcome ( xenial; urgency=medium
      [ Luke Horwell ]
        + Correct some strings so translations are exposed.
      [ Martin Wimpress ]
        + Remove linux-firmware-nonfree from the install options.
        + Fix Raspberry Pi partition resizer.
        + Closes (LP: #1572931)
     -- Martin Wimpress <email address hidden>  Wed, 20 Apr 2016 22:00:55 +0100
  • ubuntu-mate-welcome (16.04.9) xenial; urgency=medium
      [ Luke Horwell ]
        + Fix Raspberry Pi resize button, so it prompts to restart.
        + Fix parsing errors in quoted strings.
        + Correct typo in Vivaldi.
      [ Martin Wimpress ]
        + Don't hide the Software Boutique.
        + Update translations.
        + Closes (LP: #1571635)
     -- Logan Rosen <email address hidden>  Mon, 18 Apr 2016 16:30:28 +0000