Change logs for cloud-init source package in Zesty

  • cloud-init (17.1-46-g7acc9e68-0ubuntu1~17.04.1) zesty-proposed; urgency=medium
      * New upstream snapshot.
        - ec2: Fix sandboxed dhclient background process cleanup.
          (LP: #1735331)
        - tests: NoCloudKVMImage do not modify the original local cache image.
        - tests: Enable bionic in integration tests. [Joshua Powers]
        - tests: Use apt-get to install a deb so that depends get resolved.
        - sysconfig: Correctly render dns and dns search info.
          [Ryan McCabe]
    cloud-init (17.1-41-g76243487-0ubuntu1~17.04.1) zesty-proposed; urgency=medium
      * debian/cloud-init.templates: Fix capitilazation in 'AliYun'
        (LP: #1728186)
      * New upstream snapshot (LP: #1733653)
        - integration test: replace curtin test ppa with cloud-init test ppa.
        - EC2: Fix bug using fallback_nic and metadata when restoring from cache.
        - EC2: Kill dhclient process used in sandbox dhclient.
        - ntp: fix configuration template rendering for openSUSE and SLES
        - centos: Provide the failed #include url in error messages
        - Catch UrlError when #include'ing URLs [Andrew Jorgensen]
        - hosts: Fix openSUSE and SLES setup for /etc/hosts and clarify docs.
          [Robert Schweikert]
        - rh_subscription: Perform null checks for enabled and disabled repos.
          [Dave Mulford]
        - Improve warning message when a template is not found.
          [Robert Schweikert]
        - Replace the temporary with
        - Azure: don't generate network configuration for SRIOV devices
        - tests: address some minor feedback missed in last merge.
        - tests: integration test cleanup and full pass of nocloud-kvm.
        - Gentoo: chmod +x on all files in sysvinit/gentoo/
          [Carlos Konstanski]
     -- Chad Smith <email address hidden>  Fri, 01 Dec 2017 10:02:24 -0700
  • cloud-init (17.1-41-g76243487-0ubuntu1~17.04.1) zesty-proposed; urgency=medium
      * debian/cloud-init.templates: Fix capitilazation in 'AliYun'
        (LP: #1728186)
      * New upstream snapshot (LP: #1733653)
        - integration test: replace curtin test ppa with cloud-init test ppa.
        - EC2: Fix bug using fallback_nic and metadata when restoring from cache.
        - EC2: Kill dhclient process used in sandbox dhclient.
        - ntp: fix configuration template rendering for openSUSE and SLES
        - centos: Provide the failed #include url in error messages
        - Catch UrlError when #include'ing URLs [Andrew Jorgensen]
        - hosts: Fix openSUSE and SLES setup for /etc/hosts and clarify docs.
          [Robert Schweikert]
        - rh_subscription: Perform null checks for enabled and disabled repos.
          [Dave Mulford]
        - Improve warning message when a template is not found.
          [Robert Schweikert]
        - Replace the temporary with
        - Azure: don't generate network configuration for SRIOV devices
        - tests: address some minor feedback missed in last merge.
        - tests: integration test cleanup and full pass of nocloud-kvm.
        - Gentoo: chmod +x on all files in sysvinit/gentoo/
          [Carlos Konstanski]
     -- Chad Smith <email address hidden>  Tue, 21 Nov 2017 11:48:32 -0700
  • cloud-init (17.1-27-geb292c18-0ubuntu1~17.04.1) zesty-proposed; urgency=medium
      * New upstream snapshot.
        - EC2: Limit network config to fallback nic, fix local-ipv4 only
          instances. (LP: #1728152)
        - Gentoo: Use "rc-service" rather than "service". [Carlos Konstanski]
    cloud-init (17.1-25-g17a15f9e-0ubuntu1~17.04.1) zesty-proposed; urgency=medium
      * New upstream snapshot.
        - resizefs: Fix regression when system booted with root=PARTUUID=
          (LP: #1725067)
        - tools: make yum package installation more reliable
        - citest: fix remaining warnings raised by integration tests.
        - citest: show the class actual class name in results.
        - ntp: fix config module schema to allow empty ntp config
          (LP: #1724951)
        - tools: disable fastestmirror if using proxy [Joshua Powers]
    cloud-init (17.1-18-gd4f70470-0ubuntu1~17.04.2) zesty-proposed; urgency=medium
      * cherry-pick 41152f1: schema: Log debug instead of warning when
        jsonschema is absent (LP: #1724354)
    cloud-init (17.1-18-gd4f70470-0ubuntu1~17.04.1) zesty-proposed; urgency=medium
      * drop the following cherry picks, now incorporated in snapshot.
        + debian/patches/cpick-a2f8ce9c-Do-not-provide-systemd-fsck-drop...
      * debian/copyright: dep5 updates, reorganize, add Apache 2.0 license.
        (LP: #1718681)
      * debian/control: drop dependency on python3-prettytable
      * debian/rules: install rsyslog file with 0644 mode instead of 0755.
      * debian/rules, debian/ add an apport hook. (LP: #1607345)
      * New upstream snapshot (LP: #1721847)
        - simpletable: Fix get_string method to return table-formatted string
        - net: Handle bridge stp values of 0 and convert to boolean type
          [Chad Smith]
        - tools: Give specific --abbrev=8 to "git describe"
        - network: bridge_stp value not always correct [Ryan Harper]
        - tests: re-enable tox with nocloud-kvm support [Joshua Powers]
        - systemd: remove limit on tasks created by cloud-init-final.service.
          [Robert Schweikert]
        - suse: Support addition of zypper repos via cloud-config.
          [Robert Schweikert]
        - tests: Combine integration configs and testcases [Joshua Powers]
        - Azure, CloudStack: Support reading dhcp options from systemd-networkd.
          [Dimitri John Ledkov]
        - packages/debian/copyright: remove mention of boto and MIT license
        - systemd: only mention Before=apt-daily.service on debian based distros.
          [Robert Schweikert]
        - Add missing simpletable and simpletable tests for failed merge
          [Chad Smith]
        - Remove prettytable dependency, introduce simpletable [Andrew Jorgensen]
        - debian/copyright: dep5 updates, reorganize, add Apache 2.0 license.
          [Joshua Powers]
        - tests: remove dependency on shlex [Joshua Powers]
        - AltCloud: Trust PATH for udevadm and modprobe.
        - DataSourceOVF: use util.find_devs_with(TYPE=iso9660)
          [Ryan Harper]
        - tests: remove a temp file used in bootcmd tests.
        - release 17.1
        - doc: document GCE datasource. [Arnd Hannemann]
        - suse: updates to templates to support openSUSE and SLES.
          [Robert Schweikert]
        - suse: Copy sysvinit files from redhat with slight changes.
          [Robert Schweikert]
        - docs: fix sphinx module schema documentation [Chad Smith]
        - tests: Add cloudinit package to all test targets [Chad Smith]
        - Makefile: No longer look for yaml files in obsolete ./bin/.
        - tests: fix ds-identify unit tests to set EC2_STRICT_ID_DEFAULT.
        - ec2: Fix maybe_perform_dhcp_discovery to use /var/tmp as a tmpdir
          [Chad Smith]
        - Azure: wait longer for SSH pub keys to arrive.
          [Paul Meyer]
        - GCE: Fix usage of user-data.
        - cmdline: add collect-logs subcommand. [Chad Smith]
        - CloudStack: consider dhclient lease files named with a hyphen.
        - resizefs: Drop check for read-only device file, do not warn on
          overlayroot. [Chad Smith]
        - tests: Enable the NoCloud KVM platform [Joshua Powers]
        - resizefs: pass mount point to xfs_growfs [Dusty Mabe]
        - vmware: Enable nics before sending the SUCCESS event. [Sankar Tanguturi]
        - cloud-config modules: honor distros definitions in each module
          [Chad Smith]
        - chef: Add option to pin chef omnibus install version
          [Ethan Apodaca]
        - tests: execute: support command as string [Joshua Powers]
        - schema and docs: Add jsonschema to resizefs and bootcmd modules
          [Chad Smith]
        - tools: Add xkvm script, wrapper around qemu-system [Joshua Powers]
        - vmware customization: return network config format
          [Sankar Tanguturi]
        - Ec2: only attempt to operate at local mode on known platforms.
        - Use /run/cloud-init for tempfile operations.
        - ds-identify: Make OpenStack return maybe on arch other than intel.
        - tests: mock missed openstack metadata uri network_data.json
          [Chad Smith]
        - relocate tests/unittests/ to cloudinit/tests
          [Lars Kellogg-Stedman]
        - tox: add nose timer output [Joshua Powers]
        - upstart: do not package upstart jobs, drop ubuntu-init-switch module.
        - tests: Stop leaking calls through unmocked metadata addresses
          [Chad Smith]
        - distro: allow distro to specify a default locale [Ryan Harper]
        - tests: fix two recently added tests for sles distro.
        - url_helper: dynamically import oauthlib import from inside oauth_headers
          [Chad Smith]
        - tox: make xenial environment run with python3.6
        - suse: Add support for openSUSE and return SLES to a working state.
          [Robert Schweikert]
        - GCE: Add a main to the GCE Datasource.
        - ec2: Add IPv6 dhcp support to Ec2DataSource. [Chad Smith]
        - url_helper: fail gracefully if oauthlib is not available
          [Lars Kellogg-Stedman]
        - cloud-init analyze: fix issues running under python 2. [Andrew Jorgensen]
        - Configure logging module to always use UTC time.
          [Ryan Harper]
        - Log a helpful message if a user script does not include shebang.
          [Andrew Jorgensen]
        - cli: Fix command line parsing of coniditionally loaded subcommands.
          [Chad Smith]
        - doc: Explain error behavior in user data include file format.
          [Jason Butz]
        - cc_landscape & cc_puppet: Fix six.StringIO use in writing configs
          [Chad Smith]
        - schema cli: Add schema subcommand to cloud-init cli and cc_runcmd schema
          [Chad Smith]
        - Debian: Remove non-free repositories from apt sources template.
          [Joonas Kylmälä]
        - tools: Add tooling for basic cloud-init performance analysis.
          [Chad Smith]
        - network: add v2 passthrough and fix parsing v2 config with bonds/bridge
          params [Ryan Harper]
        - doc: update capabilities with features available, link doc reference,
          cli example [Ryan Harper]
        - vcloud directory: Guest Customization support for passwords
          [Maitreyee Saikia]
        - ec2: Allow Ec2 to run in init-local using dhclient in a sandbox.
          [Chad Smith]
        - cc_ntp: fallback on timesyncd configuration if ntp is not installable
          [Ryan Harper]
        - net: Reduce duplicate code. Have get_interfaces_by_mac use
        - tests: Fix build tree integration tests [Joshua Powers]
        - sysconfig: Dont repeat header when rendering resolv.conf
          [Ryan Harper]
        - archlinux: Fix bug with empty dns, do not render 'lo' devices.
     -- Chad Smith <email address hidden>  Tue, 31 Oct 2017 13:08:43 -0600
  • cloud-init (17.1-25-g17a15f9e-0ubuntu1~17.04.1) zesty-proposed; urgency=medium
      * New upstream snapshot.
        - resizefs: Fix regression when system booted with root=PARTUUID=
          (LP: #1725067)
        - tools: make yum package installation more reliable
        - citest: fix remaining warnings raised by integration tests.
        - citest: show the class actual class name in results.
        - ntp: fix config module schema to allow empty ntp config
          (LP: #1724951)
        - tools: disable fastestmirror if using proxy [Joshua Powers]
    cloud-init (17.1-18-gd4f70470-0ubuntu1~17.04.2) zesty-proposed; urgency=medium
      * cherry-pick 41152f1: schema: Log debug instead of warning when
        jsonschema is absent (LP: #1724354)
    cloud-init (17.1-18-gd4f70470-0ubuntu1~17.04.1) zesty-proposed; urgency=medium
      * drop the following cherry picks, now incorporated in snapshot.
        + debian/patches/cpick-a2f8ce9c-Do-not-provide-systemd-fsck-drop...
      * debian/copyright: dep5 updates, reorganize, add Apache 2.0 license.
        (LP: #1718681)
      * debian/control: drop dependency on python3-prettytable
      * debian/rules: install rsyslog file with 0644 mode instead of 0755.
      * debian/rules, debian/ add an apport hook. (LP: #1607345)
      * New upstream snapshot (LP: #1721847)
        - simpletable: Fix get_string method to return table-formatted string
        - net: Handle bridge stp values of 0 and convert to boolean type
          [Chad Smith]
        - tools: Give specific --abbrev=8 to "git describe"
        - network: bridge_stp value not always correct [Ryan Harper]
        - tests: re-enable tox with nocloud-kvm support [Joshua Powers]
        - systemd: remove limit on tasks created by cloud-init-final.service.
          [Robert Schweikert]
        - suse: Support addition of zypper repos via cloud-config.
          [Robert Schweikert]
        - tests: Combine integration configs and testcases [Joshua Powers]
        - Azure, CloudStack: Support reading dhcp options from systemd-networkd.
          [Dimitri John Ledkov]
        - packages/debian/copyright: remove mention of boto and MIT license
        - systemd: only mention Before=apt-daily.service on debian based distros.
          [Robert Schweikert]
        - Add missing simpletable and simpletable tests for failed merge
          [Chad Smith]
        - Remove prettytable dependency, introduce simpletable [Andrew Jorgensen]
        - debian/copyright: dep5 updates, reorganize, add Apache 2.0 license.
          [Joshua Powers]
        - tests: remove dependency on shlex [Joshua Powers]
        - AltCloud: Trust PATH for udevadm and modprobe.
        - DataSourceOVF: use util.find_devs_with(TYPE=iso9660)
          [Ryan Harper]
        - tests: remove a temp file used in bootcmd tests.
        - release 17.1
        - doc: document GCE datasource. [Arnd Hannemann]
        - suse: updates to templates to support openSUSE and SLES.
          [Robert Schweikert]
        - suse: Copy sysvinit files from redhat with slight changes.
          [Robert Schweikert]
        - docs: fix sphinx module schema documentation [Chad Smith]
        - tests: Add cloudinit package to all test targets [Chad Smith]
        - Makefile: No longer look for yaml files in obsolete ./bin/.
        - tests: fix ds-identify unit tests to set EC2_STRICT_ID_DEFAULT.
        - ec2: Fix maybe_perform_dhcp_discovery to use /var/tmp as a tmpdir
          [Chad Smith]
        - Azure: wait longer for SSH pub keys to arrive.
          [Paul Meyer]
        - GCE: Fix usage of user-data.
        - cmdline: add collect-logs subcommand. [Chad Smith]
        - CloudStack: consider dhclient lease files named with a hyphen.
        - resizefs: Drop check for read-only device file, do not warn on
          overlayroot. [Chad Smith]
        - tests: Enable the NoCloud KVM platform [Joshua Powers]
        - resizefs: pass mount point to xfs_growfs [Dusty Mabe]
        - vmware: Enable nics before sending the SUCCESS event. [Sankar Tanguturi]
        - cloud-config modules: honor distros definitions in each module
          [Chad Smith]
        - chef: Add option to pin chef omnibus install version
          [Ethan Apodaca]
        - tests: execute: support command as string [Joshua Powers]
        - schema and docs: Add jsonschema to resizefs and bootcmd modules
          [Chad Smith]
        - tools: Add xkvm script, wrapper around qemu-system [Joshua Powers]
        - vmware customization: return network config format
          [Sankar Tanguturi]
        - Ec2: only attempt to operate at local mode on known platforms.
        - Use /run/cloud-init for tempfile operations.
        - ds-identify: Make OpenStack return maybe on arch other than intel.
        - tests: mock missed openstack metadata uri network_data.json
          [Chad Smith]
        - relocate tests/unittests/ to cloudinit/tests
          [Lars Kellogg-Stedman]
        - tox: add nose timer output [Joshua Powers]
        - upstart: do not package upstart jobs, drop ubuntu-init-switch module.
        - tests: Stop leaking calls through unmocked metadata addresses
          [Chad Smith]
        - distro: allow distro to specify a default locale [Ryan Harper]
        - tests: fix two recently added tests for sles distro.
        - url_helper: dynamically import oauthlib import from inside oauth_headers
          [Chad Smith]
        - tox: make xenial environment run with python3.6
        - suse: Add support for openSUSE and return SLES to a working state.
          [Robert Schweikert]
        - GCE: Add a main to the GCE Datasource.
        - ec2: Add IPv6 dhcp support to Ec2DataSource. [Chad Smith]
        - url_helper: fail gracefully if oauthlib is not available
          [Lars Kellogg-Stedman]
        - cloud-init analyze: fix issues running under python 2. [Andrew Jorgensen]
        - Configure logging module to always use UTC time.
          [Ryan Harper]
        - Log a helpful message if a user script does not include shebang.
          [Andrew Jorgensen]
        - cli: Fix command line parsing of coniditionally loaded subcommands.
          [Chad Smith]
        - doc: Explain error behavior in user data include file format.
          [Jason Butz]
        - cc_landscape & cc_puppet: Fix six.StringIO use in writing configs
          [Chad Smith]
        - schema cli: Add schema subcommand to cloud-init cli and cc_runcmd schema
          [Chad Smith]
        - Debian: Remove non-free repositories from apt sources template.
          [Joonas Kylmälä]
        - tools: Add tooling for basic cloud-init performance analysis.
          [Chad Smith]
        - network: add v2 passthrough and fix parsing v2 config with bonds/bridge
          params [Ryan Harper]
        - doc: update capabilities with features available, link doc reference,
          cli example [Ryan Harper]
        - vcloud directory: Guest Customization support for passwords
          [Maitreyee Saikia]
        - ec2: Allow Ec2 to run in init-local using dhclient in a sandbox.
          [Chad Smith]
        - cc_ntp: fallback on timesyncd configuration if ntp is not installable
          [Ryan Harper]
        - net: Reduce duplicate code. Have get_interfaces_by_mac use
        - tests: Fix build tree integration tests [Joshua Powers]
        - sysconfig: Dont repeat header when rendering resolv.conf
          [Ryan Harper]
        - archlinux: Fix bug with empty dns, do not render 'lo' devices.
     -- Chad Smith <email address hidden>  Mon, 23 Oct 2017 14:57:46 -0600
  • cloud-init (17.1-18-gd4f70470-0ubuntu1~17.04.2) zesty-proposed; urgency=medium
      * cherry-pick 41152f1: schema: Log debug instead of warning when
        jsonschema is absent (LP: #1724354)
    cloud-init (17.1-18-gd4f70470-0ubuntu1~17.04.1) zesty-proposed; urgency=medium
      * drop the following cherry picks, now incorporated in snapshot.
        + debian/patches/cpick-a2f8ce9c-Do-not-provide-systemd-fsck-drop...
      * debian/copyright: dep5 updates, reorganize, add Apache 2.0 license.
        (LP: #1718681)
      * debian/control: drop dependency on python3-prettytable
      * debian/rules: install rsyslog file with 0644 mode instead of 0755.
      * debian/rules, debian/ add an apport hook. (LP: #1607345)
      * New upstream snapshot (LP: #1721847)
        - simpletable: Fix get_string method to return table-formatted string
        - net: Handle bridge stp values of 0 and convert to boolean type
          [Chad Smith]
        - tools: Give specific --abbrev=8 to "git describe"
        - network: bridge_stp value not always correct [Ryan Harper]
        - tests: re-enable tox with nocloud-kvm support [Joshua Powers]
        - systemd: remove limit on tasks created by cloud-init-final.service.
          [Robert Schweikert]
        - suse: Support addition of zypper repos via cloud-config.
          [Robert Schweikert]
        - tests: Combine integration configs and testcases [Joshua Powers]
        - Azure, CloudStack: Support reading dhcp options from systemd-networkd.
          [Dimitri John Ledkov]
        - packages/debian/copyright: remove mention of boto and MIT license
        - systemd: only mention Before=apt-daily.service on debian based distros.
          [Robert Schweikert]
        - Add missing simpletable and simpletable tests for failed merge
          [Chad Smith]
        - Remove prettytable dependency, introduce simpletable [Andrew Jorgensen]
        - debian/copyright: dep5 updates, reorganize, add Apache 2.0 license.
          [Joshua Powers]
        - tests: remove dependency on shlex [Joshua Powers]
        - AltCloud: Trust PATH for udevadm and modprobe.
        - DataSourceOVF: use util.find_devs_with(TYPE=iso9660)
          [Ryan Harper]
        - tests: remove a temp file used in bootcmd tests.
        - release 17.1
        - doc: document GCE datasource. [Arnd Hannemann]
        - suse: updates to templates to support openSUSE and SLES.
          [Robert Schweikert]
        - suse: Copy sysvinit files from redhat with slight changes.
          [Robert Schweikert]
        - docs: fix sphinx module schema documentation [Chad Smith]
        - tests: Add cloudinit package to all test targets [Chad Smith]
        - Makefile: No longer look for yaml files in obsolete ./bin/.
        - tests: fix ds-identify unit tests to set EC2_STRICT_ID_DEFAULT.
        - ec2: Fix maybe_perform_dhcp_discovery to use /var/tmp as a tmpdir
          [Chad Smith]
        - Azure: wait longer for SSH pub keys to arrive.
          [Paul Meyer]
        - GCE: Fix usage of user-data.
        - cmdline: add collect-logs subcommand. [Chad Smith]
        - CloudStack: consider dhclient lease files named with a hyphen.
        - resizefs: Drop check for read-only device file, do not warn on
          overlayroot. [Chad Smith]
        - tests: Enable the NoCloud KVM platform [Joshua Powers]
        - resizefs: pass mount point to xfs_growfs [Dusty Mabe]
        - vmware: Enable nics before sending the SUCCESS event. [Sankar Tanguturi]
        - cloud-config modules: honor distros definitions in each module
          [Chad Smith]
        - chef: Add option to pin chef omnibus install version
          [Ethan Apodaca]
        - tests: execute: support command as string [Joshua Powers]
        - schema and docs: Add jsonschema to resizefs and bootcmd modules
          [Chad Smith]
        - tools: Add xkvm script, wrapper around qemu-system [Joshua Powers]
        - vmware customization: return network config format
          [Sankar Tanguturi]
        - Ec2: only attempt to operate at local mode on known platforms.
        - Use /run/cloud-init for tempfile operations.
        - ds-identify: Make OpenStack return maybe on arch other than intel.
        - tests: mock missed openstack metadata uri network_data.json
          [Chad Smith]
        - relocate tests/unittests/ to cloudinit/tests
          [Lars Kellogg-Stedman]
        - tox: add nose timer output [Joshua Powers]
        - upstart: do not package upstart jobs, drop ubuntu-init-switch module.
        - tests: Stop leaking calls through unmocked metadata addresses
          [Chad Smith]
        - distro: allow distro to specify a default locale [Ryan Harper]
        - tests: fix two recently added tests for sles distro.
        - url_helper: dynamically import oauthlib import from inside oauth_headers
          [Chad Smith]
        - tox: make xenial environment run with python3.6
        - suse: Add support for openSUSE and return SLES to a working state.
          [Robert Schweikert]
        - GCE: Add a main to the GCE Datasource.
        - ec2: Add IPv6 dhcp support to Ec2DataSource. [Chad Smith]
        - url_helper: fail gracefully if oauthlib is not available
          [Lars Kellogg-Stedman]
        - cloud-init analyze: fix issues running under python 2. [Andrew Jorgensen]
        - Configure logging module to always use UTC time.
          [Ryan Harper]
        - Log a helpful message if a user script does not include shebang.
          [Andrew Jorgensen]
        - cli: Fix command line parsing of coniditionally loaded subcommands.
          [Chad Smith]
        - doc: Explain error behavior in user data include file format.
          [Jason Butz]
        - cc_landscape & cc_puppet: Fix six.StringIO use in writing configs
          [Chad Smith]
        - schema cli: Add schema subcommand to cloud-init cli and cc_runcmd schema
          [Chad Smith]
        - Debian: Remove non-free repositories from apt sources template.
          [Joonas Kylmälä]
        - tools: Add tooling for basic cloud-init performance analysis.
          [Chad Smith]
        - network: add v2 passthrough and fix parsing v2 config with bonds/bridge
          params [Ryan Harper]
        - doc: update capabilities with features available, link doc reference,
          cli example [Ryan Harper]
        - vcloud directory: Guest Customization support for passwords
          [Maitreyee Saikia]
        - ec2: Allow Ec2 to run in init-local using dhclient in a sandbox.
          [Chad Smith]
        - cc_ntp: fallback on timesyncd configuration if ntp is not installable
          [Ryan Harper]
        - net: Reduce duplicate code. Have get_interfaces_by_mac use
        - tests: Fix build tree integration tests [Joshua Powers]
        - sysconfig: Dont repeat header when rendering resolv.conf
          [Ryan Harper]
        - archlinux: Fix bug with empty dns, do not render 'lo' devices.
     -- Chad Smith <email address hidden>  Wed, 18 Oct 2017 15:05:29 -0600
  • cloud-init (17.1-18-gd4f70470-0ubuntu1~17.04.1) zesty-proposed; urgency=medium
      * drop the following cherry picks, now incorporated in snapshot.
        + debian/patches/cpick-a2f8ce9c-Do-not-provide-systemd-fsck-drop...
      * debian/copyright: dep5 updates, reorganize, add Apache 2.0 license.
        (LP: #1718681)
      * debian/control: drop dependency on python3-prettytable
      * debian/rules: install rsyslog file with 0644 mode instead of 0755.
      * debian/rules, debian/ add an apport hook. (LP: #1607345)
      * New upstream snapshot (LP: #1721847)
        - simpletable: Fix get_string method to return table-formatted string
        - net: Handle bridge stp values of 0 and convert to boolean type
          [Chad Smith]
        - tools: Give specific --abbrev=8 to "git describe"
        - network: bridge_stp value not always correct [Ryan Harper]
        - tests: re-enable tox with nocloud-kvm support [Joshua Powers]
        - systemd: remove limit on tasks created by cloud-init-final.service.
          [Robert Schweikert]
        - suse: Support addition of zypper repos via cloud-config.
          [Robert Schweikert]
        - tests: Combine integration configs and testcases [Joshua Powers]
        - Azure, CloudStack: Support reading dhcp options from systemd-networkd.
          [Dimitri John Ledkov]
        - packages/debian/copyright: remove mention of boto and MIT license
        - systemd: only mention Before=apt-daily.service on debian based distros.
          [Robert Schweikert]
        - Add missing simpletable and simpletable tests for failed merge
          [Chad Smith]
        - Remove prettytable dependency, introduce simpletable [Andrew Jorgensen]
        - debian/copyright: dep5 updates, reorganize, add Apache 2.0 license.
          [Joshua Powers]
        - tests: remove dependency on shlex [Joshua Powers]
        - AltCloud: Trust PATH for udevadm and modprobe.
        - DataSourceOVF: use util.find_devs_with(TYPE=iso9660)
          [Ryan Harper]
        - tests: remove a temp file used in bootcmd tests.
        - release 17.1
        - doc: document GCE datasource. [Arnd Hannemann]
        - suse: updates to templates to support openSUSE and SLES.
          [Robert Schweikert]
        - suse: Copy sysvinit files from redhat with slight changes.
          [Robert Schweikert]
        - docs: fix sphinx module schema documentation [Chad Smith]
        - tests: Add cloudinit package to all test targets [Chad Smith]
        - Makefile: No longer look for yaml files in obsolete ./bin/.
        - tests: fix ds-identify unit tests to set EC2_STRICT_ID_DEFAULT.
        - ec2: Fix maybe_perform_dhcp_discovery to use /var/tmp as a tmpdir
          [Chad Smith]
        - Azure: wait longer for SSH pub keys to arrive.
          [Paul Meyer]
        - GCE: Fix usage of user-data.
        - cmdline: add collect-logs subcommand. [Chad Smith]
        - CloudStack: consider dhclient lease files named with a hyphen.
        - resizefs: Drop check for read-only device file, do not warn on
          overlayroot. [Chad Smith]
        - tests: Enable the NoCloud KVM platform [Joshua Powers]
        - resizefs: pass mount point to xfs_growfs [Dusty Mabe]
        - vmware: Enable nics before sending the SUCCESS event. [Sankar Tanguturi]
        - cloud-config modules: honor distros definitions in each module
          [Chad Smith]
        - chef: Add option to pin chef omnibus install version
          [Ethan Apodaca]
        - tests: execute: support command as string [Joshua Powers]
        - schema and docs: Add jsonschema to resizefs and bootcmd modules
          [Chad Smith]
        - tools: Add xkvm script, wrapper around qemu-system [Joshua Powers]
        - vmware customization: return network config format
          [Sankar Tanguturi]
        - Ec2: only attempt to operate at local mode on known platforms.
        - Use /run/cloud-init for tempfile operations.
        - ds-identify: Make OpenStack return maybe on arch other than intel.
        - tests: mock missed openstack metadata uri network_data.json
          [Chad Smith]
        - relocate tests/unittests/ to cloudinit/tests
          [Lars Kellogg-Stedman]
        - tox: add nose timer output [Joshua Powers]
        - upstart: do not package upstart jobs, drop ubuntu-init-switch module.
        - tests: Stop leaking calls through unmocked metadata addresses
          [Chad Smith]
        - distro: allow distro to specify a default locale [Ryan Harper]
        - tests: fix two recently added tests for sles distro.
        - url_helper: dynamically import oauthlib import from inside oauth_headers
          [Chad Smith]
        - tox: make xenial environment run with python3.6
        - suse: Add support for openSUSE and return SLES to a working state.
          [Robert Schweikert]
        - GCE: Add a main to the GCE Datasource.
        - ec2: Add IPv6 dhcp support to Ec2DataSource. [Chad Smith]
        - url_helper: fail gracefully if oauthlib is not available
          [Lars Kellogg-Stedman]
        - cloud-init analyze: fix issues running under python 2. [Andrew Jorgensen]
        - Configure logging module to always use UTC time.
          [Ryan Harper]
        - Log a helpful message if a user script does not include shebang.
          [Andrew Jorgensen]
        - cli: Fix command line parsing of coniditionally loaded subcommands.
          [Chad Smith]
        - doc: Explain error behavior in user data include file format.
          [Jason Butz]
        - cc_landscape & cc_puppet: Fix six.StringIO use in writing configs
          [Chad Smith]
        - schema cli: Add schema subcommand to cloud-init cli and cc_runcmd schema
          [Chad Smith]
        - Debian: Remove non-free repositories from apt sources template.
          [Joonas Kylmälä]
        - tools: Add tooling for basic cloud-init performance analysis.
          [Chad Smith]
        - network: add v2 passthrough and fix parsing v2 config with bonds/bridge
          params [Ryan Harper]
        - doc: update capabilities with features available, link doc reference,
          cli example [Ryan Harper]
        - vcloud directory: Guest Customization support for passwords
          [Maitreyee Saikia]
        - ec2: Allow Ec2 to run in init-local using dhclient in a sandbox.
          [Chad Smith]
        - cc_ntp: fallback on timesyncd configuration if ntp is not installable
          [Ryan Harper]
        - net: Reduce duplicate code. Have get_interfaces_by_mac use
        - tests: Fix build tree integration tests [Joshua Powers]
        - sysconfig: Dont repeat header when rendering resolv.conf
          [Ryan Harper]
        - archlinux: Fix bug with empty dns, do not render 'lo' devices.
     -- Chad Smith <email address hidden>  Tue, 10 Oct 2017 14:24:29 -0600
  • cloud-init (0.7.9-233-ge586fe35-0ubuntu1~17.04.2) zesty; urgency=medium
      * cherry-pick a2f8ce9c: Do not provide systemd-fsck drop-in which
        could cause systemd ordering cycles (LP: #1717477).
     -- Scott Moser <email address hidden>  Fri, 15 Sep 2017 15:30:01 -0400
  • cloud-init (0.7.9-233-ge586fe35-0ubuntu1~17.04.1) zesty; urgency=medium
      * debian/cloud-init.templates: enable Scaleway cloud.
      * debian/cloud-init.templates: enable Aliyun cloud.
      * drop the following cherry picks, now incorporated in snapshot.
        + debian/patches/cpick-5fb49bac-azure-identify-platform...
        + debian/patches/cpick-003c6678-net-remove-systemd-link...
        + debian/patches/cpick-1cd4323b-azure-remove-accidental...
        + debian/patches/cpick-ebc9ecbc-Azure-Add-network-config...
        + debian/patches/cpick-11121fe4-systemd-make-cloud-final...
      * debian/patches/stable-release-no-jsonschema-dep.patch:
        add patch to remove optional dependency on jsonschema.
      * New upstream snapshot.
        - add initialize_network_device function and tests
          [Chad Smith]
        - makefile: fix ci-deps-ubuntu target [Chad Smith]
        - tests: adjust locale integration test to parse default locale.
        - tests: remove 'yakkety' from releases as it is EOL.
        - centos: do not package systemd-fsck drop-in.
        - systemd: make systemd-fsck run after cloud-init.service (LP: #1691489)
        - tests: Add initial tests for EC2 and improve a docstring.
        - locale: Do not re-run locale-gen if provided locale is system default.
        - archlinux: fix set hostname usage of write_file. [Joshua Powers]
        - sysconfig: support subnet type of 'manual'.
        - tools/run-centos: make running with no argument show help.
        - Drop rand_str() usage in DNS redirection detection
          [Bob Aman] (LP: #1088611)
        - sysconfig: use MACADDR on bonds/bridges to configure mac_address
          [Ryan Harper]
        - net: eni route rendering missed ipv6 default route config
          [Ryan Harper] (LP: #1701097)
        - sysconfig: enable mtu set per subnet, including ipv6 mtu
          [Ryan Harper]
        - sysconfig: handle manual type subnets [Ryan Harper]
        - sysconfig: fix ipv6 gateway routes [Ryan Harper]
        - sysconfig: fix rendering of bond, bridge and vlan types.
          [Ryan Harper]
        - Templatize systemd unit files for cross distro deltas. [Ryan Harper]
        - sysconfig: ipv6 and default gateway fixes. [Ryan Harper]
        - net: fix renaming of nics to support mac addresses written in upper
          case. (LP: #1705147)
        - tests: fixes for issues uncovered when moving to python 3.6.
        - sysconfig: include GATEWAY value if set in subnet
          [Ryan Harper]
        - Scaleway: add datasource with user and vendor data for Scaleway.
          [Julien Castets]
        - Support comments in content read by load_shell_content.
        - cloudinitlocal fail to run during boot [Hongjiang Zhang]
        - doc: fix disk setup example table_type options [Sandor Zeestraten]
        - tools: Fix exception handling. [Joonas Kylmälä]
        - tests: fix usage of mock in GCE test.
        - test_gce: Fix invalid mock of platform_reports_gce to return False
          [Chad Smith]
        - test: fix incorrect keyid for apt repository.  [Joshua Powers]
        - tests: Update version of pylxd [Joshua Powers]
        - write_files: Remove log from helper function signatures.
          [Andrew Jorgensen]
        - doc: document the cmdline options to NoCloud [Brian Candler]
        - read_dmi_data: always return None when inside a container. (LP: #1701325)
        - requirements.txt: remove trailing white space.
        - Tests: Simplify the check on ssh-import-id [Joshua Powers]
        - tests: update ntp tests after sntp added [Joshua Powers]
        - FreeBSD: Make freebsd a variant, fix unittests and
        - FreeBSD: fix test failure
        - FreeBSD: replace ifdown/ifup with "ifconfig down" and "ifconfig up".
          [Hongjiang Zhang]
        - FreeBSD: fix cdrom mounting failure if /mnt/cdrom/secure did not exist.
          [Hongjiang Zhang]
        - main: Don't use templater to format the welcome message
          [Andrew Jorgensen]
        - docs: Automatically generate module docs form schema if present.
          [Chad Smith]
        - debian: fix path comment in /etc/hosts template. [Jens Sandmann]
        - suse: add hostname and fully qualified domain to template.
          [Jens Sandmann]
        - write_file(s): Print permissions as octal, not decimal [Andrew Jorgensen]
        - ci deps: Add --test-distro to read-dependencies to install all deps
          [Chad Smith]
        - tools/run-centos: cleanups and move to using read-dependencies
        - pkg build ci: Add make ci-deps-<distro> target to install pkgs
          [Chad Smith]
        - selinux: Allow restorecon to be non-fatal. [Ryan Harper]
        - net: Allow netinfo subprocesses to return 0 or 1 due to selinux.
          [Ryan Harper]
        - net: Allow for NetworkManager configuration [Ryan McCabe]
        - Use distro release version to determine if we use systemd in redhat spec
          [Ryan Harper]
        - net: normalize data in network_state object
        - Integration Testing: tox env, pyxld 2.2.3, and revamp framework
          [Wesley Wiedenmeier]
        - Chef: Update omnibus url to, minor doc changes. [JJ Asghar]
        - tools: add centos scripts to build and test [Joshua Powers]
        - Drop cheetah python module as it is not needed by trunk [Ryan Harper]
        - rhel/centos spec cleanups.
        - cloud.cfg: move to a template. changes along the way.
        - Makefile: add deb-src and srpm targets. use PYVER more places.
        - makefile: fix python 2/3 detection in the Makefile [Chad Smith]
        - snap: Removing snapcraft plug line [Joshua Powers]
        - RHEL/CentOS: Fix default routes for IPv4/IPv6 configuration.
          [Andreas Karis]
        - test: Fix pyflakes complaint of unused import. [Joshua Powers]
        - NoCloud: support seed of nocloud from smbios information
          [Vladimir Pouzanov] (LP: #1691772)
        - net: when selecting a network device, use natural sort order
          [Marc-Aurèle Brothier]
        - fix typos and remove whitespace in various docs [Stephan Telling]
        - systemd: Fix typo in comment in [Chen-Han Hsiao]
        - Tests: Skip jsonschema related unit tests when dependency is absent.
          [Chad Smith]
        - tools/ support old cloudinit versions by using kwargs.
        - ntp: Add schema definition and passive schema validation.
          [Chad Smith] (LP: #1692916)
        - Fix eni rendering for bridge params that require repeated key for
          values. [Ryan Harper] (LP: #1706752)
        - AliYun: Enable platform identification and enable by default.
          [Junjie Wang] (LP: #1638931)
     -- Scott Moser <email address hidden>  Mon, 31 Jul 2017 16:33:24 -0400
  • cloud-init (0.7.9-153-g16a7302f-0ubuntu1~17.04.2) zesty-proposed; urgency=medium
      * cherry-pick 5fb49bac: azure: identify platform by well known value
        in chassis asset (LP: #1693939)
      * cherry-pick 003c6678: net: remove systemd link file writing from eni
      * cherry-pick 1cd4323b: azure: remove accidental duplicate line in
      * cherry-pick ebc9ecbc: Azure: Add network-config, Refactor net layer
        to handle duplicate macs. (LP: #1690430)
      * cherry-pick 11121fe4: systemd: make cloud-final.service run before
        apt daily (LP: #1693361)
     -- Scott Moser <email address hidden>  Wed, 28 Jun 2017 17:20:51 -0400
  • cloud-init (0.7.9-153-g16a7302f-0ubuntu1~17.04.1) zesty-proposed; urgency=medium
      * New upstream snapshot.
        - net: fix reading and rendering addresses in cidr format.
          [Dimitri John Ledkov] (LP: #1689346, #1684349)
        - disk_setup: udev settle before attempting partitioning or fs creation.
          (LP: #1692093)
        - GCE: Update the attribute used to find instance SSH keys.
          [Daniel Watkins] (LP: #1693582)
        - nplan: For bonds, allow dashed or underscore names of keys.
          [Dimitri John Ledkov] (LP: #1690480)
        - tests: python2.6: fix unit tests usage of assertNone and format.
        - tests: update docstring on test_configured_list_with_none
        - fix tools/ds-identify to not write None twice.
        - tox/build: do not package depend on style requirements.
        - tests: ntp: Restructure cc_ntp unit tests. [Chad Smith]
        - flake8: move the pinned version of flake8 up to 3.3.0
        - tests: Apply workaround for snapd bug in test case. [Joshua Powers]
        - RHEL/CentOS: Fix dual stack IPv4/IPv6 configuration.  [Andreas Karis]
        - disk_setup: fix several issues with gpt disk partitions. (LP: #1692087)
        - function spelling & docstring update [Joshua Powers]
        - tests: Fix unittest bug in ntp tests. [Joshua Powers]
        - tox: move pylint target to 1.7.1
        - Fix get_interfaces_by_mac for empty macs (LP: #1692028)
        - DigitalOcean: remove routes except for the public interface.
          [Ben Howard] (LP: #1681531.)
        - netplan: pass macaddress, when specified, for vlans
          [Dimitri John Ledkov] (LP: #1690388)
        - doc: various improvements for the docs on cc_users_groups.
          [Felix Dreissig]
        - cc_ntp: write template before installing and add service restart
          [Ryan Harper] (LP: #1645644)
        - tests: fix cloudstack unit tests to avoid accessing
          /var/lib/NetworkManager [Lars Kellogg-Stedman]
        - tests: fix hardcoded path to mkfs.ext4 [Joshua Powers] (LP: #1691517)
        - Actually skip warnings when .skip file is present.
          [Chris Brinker] (LP: #1691551)
        - netplan: fix netplan render_network_state signature.
          [Dimitri John Ledkov] (LP: #1685944)
        - Azure: fix reformatting of ephemeral disks on resize to large types.
          (LP: #1686514)
        - make deb: Add devscripts dependency for make deb.
          Cleanup packages/bddeb. [Chad Smith] (LP: #1685935)
        - openstack: fix log message copy/paste typo in _get_url_settings
          [Lars Kellogg-Stedman]
        - unittests: fix unittests run on centos [Joshua Powers]
        - Improve detection of snappy to include os-release and kernel cmdline.
          (LP: #1689944)
        - Add address to config entry generated by _klibc_to_config_entry.
          [Julien Castets] (LP: #1691135)
        - sysconfig: Raise ValueError when multiple default gateways are present.
          [Chad Smith] (LP: #1687485)
        - FreeBSD: improvements and fixes for use on Azure
          [Hongjiang Zhang] (LP: #1636345)
        - Add unit tests for ds-identify, fix Ec2 bug found.
        - fs_setup: if cmd is specified, use shell interpretation.
          [Paul Meyer] (LP: #1687712)
        - doc: document network configuration defaults policy and formats.
          [Ryan Harper]
        - doc: Fix name of "uri" key in docs for "cc_apt_configure" module
          [Felix Dreissig]
        - tests: Enable artful in integration tests [Joshua Powers]
     -- Scott Moser <email address hidden>  Fri, 26 May 2017 16:14:09 -0400
  • cloud-init (0.7.9-113-g513e99e0-0ubuntu1~17.04.1) zesty; urgency=medium
      * debian/update-grub-legacy-ec2: fix early exit failure no /etc/fstab
        file. (LP: #1682160)
      * New upstream snapshot.
        - nova-lxd: read product_name from environment, not platform.
          (LP: #1685810)
        - Fix yum repo config where keys contain array values [Dylan Perry]
        - template: Update debian backports template [Joshua Powers]
        - rsyslog: replace ~ with stop [Joshua Powers] (LP: #1367899)
        - Doc: add additional RTD examples [Joshua Powers]
        - Fix growpart for some cases when booted with root=PARTUUID.
          (LP: #1684869)
        - pylint: update output style to parseable [Joshua Powers]
        - pylint: fix all logging warnings [Joshua Powers]
        - CloudStack: Add NetworkManager to list of supported DHCP lease dirs.
          [Syed Mushtaq Ahmed]
        - net: kernel lies about vlans not stealing mac addresses, when they do
          [Dimitri John Ledkov] (LP: #1682871)
        - ds-identify: Check correct path for "latest" config drive
          [Daniel Watkins] (LP: #1673637)
        - doc: Fix example for resolv.conf configuration.  [Jon Grimm]
        - Fix examples that reference upstream chef repository.  [Jon Grimm]
        - doc: correct grammar and improve clarity in merging documentation.
          [David Tagatac]
        - doc: Add missing doc link to snap-config module. [Ryan Harper]
        - snap: allows for creating cloud-init snap [Joshua Powers]
        - DigitalOcean: assign IPv4ll address to lowest indexed interface.
          [Ben Howard] (LP: #1676908)
        - DigitalOcean: configure all NICs presented in meta-data.
          [Ben Howard] (LP: #1676908)
        - Remove (and/or fix) URL shortener references [Jon Grimm]
        - HACKING.rst: more info on filling out contributors agreement.
        - util: teach write_file about copy_mode option
          [Lars Kellogg-Stedman] (LP: #1644064)
        - DigitalOcean: bind resolvers to loopback interface.
          [Ben Howard] (LP: #1676908)
        - tests: fix AltCloud tests to not rely on blkid (LP: #1636531)
     -- Scott Moser <email address hidden>  Thu, 27 Apr 2017 15:09:31 -0400
  • cloud-init (0.7.9-90-g61eb03fe-0ubuntu1) zesty; urgency=medium
      * New upstream snapshot.
        - OpenStack: add 'dvs' to the list of physical link types.
          (LP: #1674946)
     -- Scott Moser <email address hidden>  Mon, 03 Apr 2017 11:10:38 -0400
  • cloud-init (0.7.9-89-gbf7723e8-0ubuntu1) zesty; urgency=medium
      * New upstream snapshot.
        - Fix bug that resulted in an attempt to rename bonds or vlans.
          (LP: #1669860)
        - tests: update OpenNebula and Digital Ocean to not rely on host
     -- Scott Moser <email address hidden>  Fri, 31 Mar 2017 17:02:28 -0400
  • cloud-init (0.7.9-87-gd23543eb-0ubuntu1) zesty; urgency=medium
      * debian/cloud-init.templates: add Bigstep to list of sources. (LP: #1676460)
      * New upstream snapshot.
        - net: in netplan renderer delete known image-builtin content.
          (LP: #1675576)
        - doc: correct grammar in capabilities.rst [David Tagatac]
        - ds-identify: fix detecting of maas datasource. (LP: #1677710)
        - netplan: remove debugging prints, add debug logging [Ryan Harper]
        - ds-identify: do not write None twice to datasource_list.
        - support resizing partition and rootfs on system booted without initramfs.
          (LP: #1677376) [Steve Langasek]
        - apt_configure: run only when needed. (LP: #1675185)
        - OpenStack: identify OpenStack by product 'OpenStack Compute'.
          (LP: #1675349)
        - GCE: Search GCE in ds-identify, consider serial number in check.
          (LP: #1674861)
        - Add support for setting hashed passwords [Tore S. Lonoy] (LP: #1570325)
     -- Scott Moser <email address hidden>  Thu, 30 Mar 2017 16:46:43 -0400
  • cloud-init (0.7.9-82-g0e2030ca-0ubuntu1) zesty; urgency=medium
      * debian/cloud-init.templates: add Bigstep to list of sources. (LP: #1676460)
      * New upstream snapshot.
        - support resizing partition and rootfs on system booted without initramfs.
          (LP: #1677376) [Steve Langasek]
        - apt_configure: run only when needed. (LP: #1675185)
        - OpenStack: identify OpenStack by product 'OpenStack Compute'.
          (LP: #1675349)
        - GCE: Search GCE in ds-identify, consider serial number in check.
          (LP: #1674861)
        - Add support for setting hashed passwords [Tore S. Lonoy] (LP: #1570325)
     -- Scott Moser <email address hidden>  Wed, 29 Mar 2017 16:53:26 -0400
  • cloud-init (0.7.9-77-g4a2b2f87-0ubuntu1) zesty; urgency=medium
      * New upstream snapshot.
        - Fix filesystem creation when using "partition: auto" [Jonathan Ballet]
          (LP: #1634678)
        - ConfigDrive: support reading config drive data from /config-drive for
          nova-lxd.  (LP: #1673411)
        - ds-identify: fix detection of Bigstep datasource. (LP: #1674766)
        - test: add running of pylint [Joshua Powers]
        - ds-identify: fix bug where filename expansion was left on.
        - advertise network config v2 support (NETWORK_CONFIG_V2) in features.
        - Bigstep: fix bug when executing in python3.
        - Fix unit test when running in a system deployed with cloud-init.
        - Bounce network interface for Azure when using the built-in path.
          [Brent Baude] (LP: #1674685)
     -- Scott Moser <email address hidden>  Fri, 24 Mar 2017 16:50:56 -0400
  • cloud-init (0.7.9-68-gef18b8ac-0ubuntu1) zesty; urgency=medium
      * New upstream snapshot.
        - add network config v2 parsing and rendering [Ryan Harper]
        - net: Fix incorrect call to isfile [Joshua Powers] (LP: #1674317)
     -- Scott Moser <email address hidden>  Mon, 20 Mar 2017 16:21:55 -0400
  • cloud-init (0.7.9-66-g5beecdf8-0ubuntu1) zesty; urgency=medium
      * New upstream snapshot.
        - net: add renderers for automatically selecting the renderer.
        - doc: fix config drive doc with regard to unpartitioned disks.
          (LP: #1673818)
        - test: Adding integratiron test for password as list [Joshua Powers]
        - render_network_state: switch arguments around, do not require target
        - support 'loopback' as a device type.
        - Integration Testing: improve testcase subclassing [Wesley Wiedenmeier]
        - gitignore: adding doc/rtd_html [Joshua Powers]
        - doc: add instructions for running integration tests via tox.
          [Joshua Powers]
        - test: avoid differences in 'date' output due to daylight savings.
        - Fix chef config module in omnibus install. [Jeremy Melvin] (LP: #1583837)
        - Add feature flags to cloudinit.version. [Wesley Wiedenmeier]
        - tox: add a citest environment
        - Support chpasswd/list being a list in addition to a string.
          [Sergio Lystopad] (LP: #1665694)
        - doc: Fix configuration example for cc_set_passwords module.
          [Sergio Lystopad] (LP: #1665773)
        - net: support both ipv4 and ipv6 gateways in sysconfig.
          [Lars Kellogg-Stedman] (LP: #1669504)
        - net: do not raise exception for > 3 nameservers
          [Lars Kellogg-Stedman] (LP: #1670052)
     -- Scott Moser <email address hidden>  Fri, 17 Mar 2017 21:41:40 -0400
  • cloud-init (0.7.9-48-g1c795b9-0ubuntu1) zesty; urgency=medium
      * New upstream snapshot.
        - ds-identify: report cleanups for config and exit value. (LP: #1669949)
     -- Scott Moser <email address hidden>  Mon, 06 Mar 2017 14:56:28 -0500
  • cloud-init (0.7.9-47-gc81ea53-0ubuntu1) zesty; urgency=medium
      * debian/rules: install to /etc/profile.d
      * New upstream snapshot.
        - Support warning if the used datasource is not in ds-identify's list
          (LP: #1669675)
        - Z99-cloudinit-warnings: Add profile.d script for showing warnings on
        - convert tabs to spaces, remove unneccesary
          execute bit in permissions.
        - tools/ds-identify: look at cloud.cfg when looking for ec2 strict_id.
        - tools/ds-identify: fix bug that would mistakingly enable vmware guest
     -- Scott Moser <email address hidden>  Fri, 03 Mar 2017 01:56:19 -0500
  • cloud-init (0.7.9-38-g83606ae-0ubuntu1) zesty; urgency=medium
      * New upstream snapshot.
        - tools/ds-identify: ovf identify vmware guest customization.
        - Identify Brightbox as an Ec2 datasource user. (LP: #1661693)
        - DatasourceEc2: add warning message when not on AWS.
        - ds-identify: add reading of datasource/Ec2/strict_id
        - tools/ds-identify: add support for 'found' or 'maybe' contributing
        - tools/ds-identify: read the seed directory on Ec2
        - tools/ds-identify: use quotes in local declarations.
        - tools/ds-identify: fix documentation of policy setting in a comment.
     -- Scott Moser <email address hidden>  Fri, 24 Feb 2017 22:53:53 -0500
  • cloud-init (0.7.9-30-gf4e8eb0-0ubuntu1) zesty; urgency=medium
      * New upstream snapshot.
        - ds-identify: only run once per boot unless --force is given.
        - net: correct errors in cloudinit/net/
          [Lars Kellogg-Stedman] (LP: #1665441)
        - ec2_utils: fix MetadataLeafDecoder that returned bytes on empty.
     -- Scott Moser <email address hidden>  Fri, 17 Feb 2017 17:05:47 -0500
  • cloud-init (0.7.9-26-g1cd8cfa-0ubuntu1) zesty; urgency=medium
      * New upstream snapshot.
        - apply the runtime configuration written by ds-identify.
     -- Scott Moser <email address hidden>  Tue, 14 Feb 2017 14:45:25 -0500
  • cloud-init (0.7.9-25-g65529b6-0ubuntu1) zesty; urgency=medium
      * New upstream snapshot.
        - ds-identify: fix checking for filesystem label (LP: #1663735)
        - ds-identify: read ds=nocloud properly (LP: #1663723)
     -- Scott Moser <email address hidden>  Fri, 10 Feb 2017 15:25:17 -0500
  • cloud-init (0.7.9-23-g0df21b6-0ubuntu1) zesty; urgency=medium
      * New upstream snapshot.
        - support nova-lxd by reading platform from environment of pid 1.
          (LP: #1661797)
        - ds-identify: change aarch64 to use the default for non-dmi systems.
          that default is to enable cloud-init even if no datasources are
          explicitly found.
        - Remove style checking during build and add latest style checks to tox
          [Joshua Powers] (LP: #1652329)
        - code-style: make master pass pycodestyle (2.3.1) cleanly.
     -- Scott Moser <email address hidden>  Thu, 09 Feb 2017 13:18:47 -0500
  • cloud-init (0.7.9-19-ge987092-0ubuntu2) zesty; urgency=medium
      * debian/update-grub-legacy-ec2: fix shell syntax error. (LP: #1662221)
     -- Scott Moser <email address hidden>  Mon, 06 Feb 2017 11:14:11 -0500
  • cloud-init (0.7.9-19-ge987092-0ubuntu1) zesty; urgency=medium
      * New upstream snapshot.
        - manual_cache_clean: When manually cleaning touch a file in instance dir.
        - Add tools/ds-identify to identify datasources available.
        - Fix small typo and change iso-filename for consistency [Robin Naundorf]
        - Fix eni rendering of multiple IPs per interface
          [Ryan Harper] (LP: #1657940)
        - tools/mock-meta: support python2 or python3 and ipv6 in both.
        - tests: remove executable bit on test_net, so it runs, and fix it.
        - tests: No longer monkey patch httpretty for python 3.4.2
        - Add 3 ecdsa-sha2-nistp* ssh key types now that they are standardized
          [Lars Kellogg-Stedman] (LP: #1658174)
        - reset httppretty for each test [Lars Kellogg-Stedman] (LP: #1658200)
        - build: fix running Make on a branch with tags other than master
        - EC2: Do not cache security credentials on disk
          [Andrew Jorgensen] (LP: #1638312)
        - doc: Fix typos and clarify some aspects of the part-handler
          [Erik M. Bray]
        - doc: add some documentation on OpenStack datasource.
        - OpenStack: Use timeout and retries from config in get_data.
          [Lars Kellogg-Stedman] (LP: #1657130)
        - Fixed Misc issues related to VMware customization. [Sankar Tanguturi]
        - Fix minor docs typo: perserve > preserve [Jeremy Bicha]
        - Use dnf instead of yum when available [Lars Kellogg-Stedman]
          (LP: #1647118)
        - validate-yaml: use python rather than explicitly python3
        - Get early logging logged, including failures of cmdline url.
     -- Scott Moser <email address hidden>  Fri, 03 Feb 2017 21:54:39 -0500
  • cloud-init (0.7.9-0ubuntu2) zesty; urgency=medium
      * debian/update-grub-legacy-ec2:
        - Correctly detect kernels ending in -aws as kernels that can boot on EC2
          (LP: #1655934)
     -- Daniel Watkins <email address hidden>  Thu, 12 Jan 2017 11:34:23 +0000
  • cloud-init (0.7.9-0ubuntu1) zesty; urgency=medium
      * New upstream snapshot.
        - release 0.7.9
        - doc: adjust headers in tests documentation for consistency.
        - integration test: initial commit of integration test framework
          [Wesley Wiedenmeier]
        - LICENSE: Allow dual licensing GPL-3 or Apache 2.0 [Jon Grimm]
        - Fix config order of precedence, putting kernel command line over system.
          [Wesley Wiedenmeier] (LP: #1582323)
        - Update the list of valid ssh keys. [Michael Felt]
        - network: add ENI unit test for statically rendered routes.
        - set_hostname: avoid erroneously appending domain to fqdn
          [Lars Kellogg-Stedman] (LP: #1647910)
        - doc: change 'nobootwait' to 'nofail' in docs [Anhad Jai Singh]
        - Replace an expired link in code comment.
     -- Scott Moser <email address hidden>  Fri, 23 Dec 2016 12:54:50 -0500
  • cloud-init (0.7.8-68-gca3ae67-0ubuntu1) zesty; urgency=medium
      * New upstream snapshot.
        - user-groups: fix bug when groups was provided as string and had spaces
          (LP: #1354694)
     -- Scott Moser <email address hidden>  Mon, 19 Dec 2016 12:35:13 -0500
  • cloud-init (0.7.8-67-gc9c9197-0ubuntu1) zesty; urgency=medium
      * debian/cherry-pick: add utility for cherry picking commits from upstream
        into patches in debian/patches.
      * New upstream snapshot.
        - mounts: use mount -a again to accomplish mounts (LP: #1647708)
        - CloudSigma: Fix bug where datasource was not loaded in local search. (LP: #1648380)
        - when adding a user, strip whitespace from group list (LP: #1354694)
        - fix decoding of utf-8 chars in yaml test
        - Replace usage of sys_netdev_info with read_sys_net (LP: #1625766)
        - fix problems found in python2.6 test.
     -- Scott Moser <email address hidden>  Sun, 11 Dec 2016 21:22:57 -0500
  • cloud-init (0.7.8-61-g2d2ec70-0ubuntu1) zesty; urgency=medium
      * debian/grub-legacy-ec2.install: install post(inst|rm) files correctly.
        [Simon Deziel] (LP: #1581416)
      * New upstream snapshot.
        - OpenStack: extend physical types to include hyperv, hw_veb, vhost_user. [Scott Moser] (LP: #1642679)
        - tests: fix assumptions that expected no eth0 in system. [Scott Moser] (LP: #1644043)
        - net/cmdline: Consider ip= or ip6= on command line not only ip= [Scott Moser] (LP: #1639930)
        - Just use file logging by default [Joshua Harlow] (LP: #1643990)
        - Improve formatting for ProcessExecutionError [Wesley Wiedenmeier]
        - flake8: fix trailing white space [Scott Moser]
        - Doc: various documentation fixes [Sean Bright]
        - cloudinit/config/ Remove repos before adding [Brent Baude]
        - packages/redhat: fix rpm spec file. [Scott Moser]
        - main: set TZ in environment if not already set. [Ryan Harper]
        - Azure: No longer rely on walinux agent. [Scott Moser] (LP: #1538522)
        - disk_setup: Use sectors as unit when formatting MBR disks with sfdisk. [Daniel Watkins] (LP: #1460715)
     -- Scott Moser <email address hidden>  Mon, 28 Nov 2016 16:08:09 -0500
  • cloud-init (0.7.8-49-g9e904bb-0ubuntu1) zesty; urgency=medium
      * debian/cloud-init.postinst: update /etc/fstab on Azure to fix
        future resize operations. (LP: #1611074)
      * New upstream snapshot.
        - Add activate_datasource, for datasource specific code paths.
          Use that on Azure to handle re-formatting of ephemeral disk.
          (LP: #1611074)
     -- Scott Moser <email address hidden>  Fri, 18 Nov 2016 16:37:34 -0500
  • cloud-init (0.7.8-48-g9d826b8-0ubuntu1) zesty; urgency=medium
      * New upstream snapshot.
        - systemd: cloud-init-local use RequiresMountsFor=/var/lib/cloud
          (LP: #1642062)
        - systemd: cloud-init remove After=systemd-networkd-wait-online
        - systemd: cloud-init-local change Before basic to sysinit
     -- Scott Moser <email address hidden>  Tue, 15 Nov 2016 17:21:34 -0500
  • cloud-init (0.7.8-45-g584b843-0ubuntu1) zesty; urgency=medium
      * New upstream snapshot.
        - pep8: fix style errors reported by pycodestyle 2.1.0 [Scott Moser]
        - systemd: drop both Wants and After [Scott Moser]
        - systemd: networking service adjustments. (LP: #1636912)
        - systemd: replace, with
          (LP: #1629797)
        - doc: Add documentation on stages of boot.
        - doc: make the RST files consistently formated and other improvements.
        - Ec2: fix syntax and tox in previous commit.
        - Ec2: protect against non-dictionary in block-device-mapping.
        - doc: fixed example to not overwrite /etc/hosts [Chris Glass]
        - Doc: fix spelling / typos in ca_certs and scripts_vendor.
     -- Scott Moser <email address hidden>  Thu, 10 Nov 2016 21:04:09 -0500
  • cloud-init (0.7.8-35-gc24187e-0ubuntu1) zesty; urgency=medium
      * New upstream snapshot.
        - pyflakes: fix issue with pyflakes 1.3 found in ubuntu zesty-proposed.
     -- Scott Moser <email address hidden>  Mon, 07 Nov 2016 13:31:30 -0500
  • cloud-init (0.7.8-34-ga1cdebd-0ubuntu1) zesty; urgency=medium
      * New upstream snapshot.
        - net/cmdline: Further adjustments to ipv6 support [LaMont Jones]
         (LP: #1621615)
        - Add coverage dependency to bddeb to fix package build.
        - doc: improve HACKING.rst file
        - dmidecode: Allow dmidecode to be used on aarch64 [Robert Schweikert]
        - AliYun: Add new datasource for Ali-Cloud ECS [kaihuan.pkh]
        - Add coverage collection to tox unit tests. [Joshua Powers]
     -- Scott Moser <email address hidden>  Fri, 04 Nov 2016 11:03:46 -0400
  • cloud-init (0.7.8-28-gf7a5756-0ubuntu1) zesty; urgency=medium
      * New upstream snapshot.
        - cc_users_groups: fix remaing call to ds.normalize_user_groups
          [Ryan Harper]
     -- Scott Moser <email address hidden>  Wed, 26 Oct 2016 09:06:03 -0400
  • cloud-init (0.7.8-27-g29348af-0ubuntu1) zesty; urgency=medium
      * debian/cloud-init.templates: enable DigitalOcean by default [Ben Howard]
      * New upstream snapshot.
        - disk-config: udev settle after partitioning in gpt format. (LP: #1626243)
        - unittests: do not read system /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg.d (LP: #1635350)
        - Add documentation for logging features. [Wesley Wiedenmeier]
        - Add support for snap create-user on Ubuntu Core images. [Ryan Harper]
          (LP: #1619393)
        - Fix sshd restarts for rhel distros. [Jim Gorz] (LP: #1470433)
        - OpenNebula: replace 'ip' parsing with usage.
        - Fix python2.6 things found running in centos 6.
        - Move user/group functions to new ug_util file [Joshua Harlow]
        - DigitalOcean: enable usage of data source by default.
        - update Gentoo initscripts to run in the correct order [Matthew Thode]
        - MAAS: improve the main of datasource to look at kernel cmdline config.
        - tests: silence the Cheetah UserWarning about NameMapper C version.
     -- Scott Moser <email address hidden>  Tue, 25 Oct 2016 17:06:59 -0400
  • cloud-init (0.7.8-15-g6e45ffb-0ubuntu1) yakkety; urgency=medium
      * New upstream snapshot.
        - systemd: Run cloud-init.service Before dbus.socket not
          [Daniel Watkins] (LP: #1629797).
     -- Scott Moser <email address hidden>  Fri, 07 Oct 2016 12:41:38 -0400