Change logs for fdutils source package in Zesty

  • fdutils (5.5-20060227-7) unstable; urgency=low
      * Switch to debhelper 9
      * Bump Standards-Version to 3.9.5
      * Update debian/copyright (Format, License and dates)
      * debian/control: use canonic VCS URIs
      * Patches:
        + help_messages.patch: add related bug number
        + Add remove_texi2html_dependency.patch to use makeinfo instead of
          the obsolete texi2html to generate HTML pages (fixes lintian error
        + Add floppymeter-makefile_typo.patch (fixes lintian warning
        + Add documentation-faq_cleanup.patch (fixes lintian error
          privacy-breach-w3c-valid-html and warning privacy-breach-generic)
     -- Matteo Cypriani <email address hidden>  Fri, 09 May 2014 00:24:48 -0400