parallel (20141022+ds1-1) unstable; urgency=medium
[ Michele Orrù ]
* debian/rules:
+ Remove documentation files in dh_clean.
+ Add get-orig-source target to remove precompiled documentation files.
[ Rogério Brito ]
* Integrate changes from Michele to make the package compilable twice in
a row. (Closes: #751508)
* Credit Michele Orrù for patches to build twice in a row.
* debian/control: Normalize with wrap-and-sort.
* debian/control: Verified compliance with Policy version 3.9.6.
* Imported Upstream version 20130922+ds1
* debian/watch: Deal with version mangling, as we repack the upstream source.
* debian/rules: Minor cosmetic indenting.
* debian/upstream: Add signing key.
* debian/watch: Add mangling of names for upstream signatures.
* Imported Upstream version 20141022
* Imported Upstream version 20141022+ds1 (Closes: #747217)
* debian/control: Add autoconf to Build-Depends.
* debian/rules: Disable running the testsuite, as it is not present.
* debian/control: Add Depends on sysstat. (Closes: #765036)
-- Rogério Brito <email address hidden> Thu, 30 Oct 2014 20:01:29 -0200