Change logs for refpolicy source package in Zesty

  • refpolicy (2:2.20161023.1-9) unstable; urgency=medium
      * Dontaudit dkim_milter_t binding to labeled udp ports
      * Allow passwd_t to inherit fd from unconfined_t for package scripts
      * Allow httpd_sys_script_t to talk to itself via unix datagrams and send
        syslog messages
      * Allow logwatch_mail_t to rw system_cronjob_t pipes
        Allow logwatch_t to run mdadm
      * Label /etc/postfixadmin as httpd_config_t
      * Allow system_cronjob_t to create directories under /tmp
      * Allow spamass_milter_t to read the overcommit sysctl
      * Allow unconfined domains the capability2:wake_alarm.
      * Added ~/DovecotMail to the list of mail_home_rw_t directories
      * Allow systemd_logind_t to get dpkg_script_t process state and talk to it
        via dbus
      * For allow udev_t
        to read default_t.  Still need that udev bug fixed!
     -- Russell Coker <email address hidden>  Thu, 26 Jan 2017 00:52:00 +1100
  • refpolicy (2:2.20161023.1-8) unstable; urgency=medium
      * Fixed mistake in previous changelog (attributed a -7 change to -6)
      * Label /usr/sbin/apache2ctl as well. Allow apache to read overcommit sysctl
      * Allow clamd_t to read the overcommit sysctl
      * Allow postfix_postdrop_t to write to postfix_public_t socket, allow
        postfix_master_t to bind to udp generic nodes
      * Allow dovecot_auth_t to write to dovecot_var_run_t fifos and read selinux
        config (needed for pop/imap login)
      * Allow mon local tests to search /var/spool/postfix and autofs mountpoints,
        and to read nfs content. Allow mon net tests to read certs. dontaudit when
        mon local tests try to stat tmpfs files. Allow mon local tests to access
        /dev/xconsole and search mnt_t and boot_t
      * Allow mount_t to getattr nfs filesystems and manage mount_var_run_t dirs
        and files
      * Allow setfiles_t to getattr nfs filesystems.
      * Allow postgrey_t to exec bin_t files, to read netlink_route_sockets,
        and to access udp sockets
      * Allow login programs to share fds with systemd_passwd_agent_t
      * Allow postfix_master_t to stat the spamass_milter_data_t dir
      * Allow dpkg_script_t to tell init_t to stop services
      * Allow initrc_t to tell init_t to halt and get system status - allows
      * Make port 8953 be rndc type for unbound.
      * Lots of policy for systemd_nspawn_t
      * More policy for systemd_coredump_t to do what it wants
      * Allow dkim_milter_t to read vm overcommit sysctl
      * Allow mandb_t to search init pid dirs for systemd
      * Allow initrc_t to reload systemdunit types
      * Make init_manage_all_units() include file:getattr access
      * Allow logrotate to init_manage_all_units for restarting daemons, to stat
        tmpfs filesystems, to get init system status, and capability net_admin
        that systemctl wants
      * Allow network manager to inherit logind pids
      * Allow devicekit_power_t to search init pid dirs
      * Allow named to read vm sysctls
      * Allow mysqld_safe_t to read dpkg db, it inherits cwd from dpkg_script_t
        alow is to read sysfs and kill mysqld_t
        Make mysql_signal interface include signull permission and grant that to
      * Allow rpcd_t to write /proc/fs/lockd/nlm_end_grace
      * Make apache use the new interfaces for nfs access and to read
        httpd_var_lib_t symlinks. Allow httpd_sys_script_t to search init pid
      * Allow auth to send sigchild to xdm
      * Allow chkpwd_t to getattr the selinuxfs
      * Allow system_cronjob_t net_admin capability, manage acct data, and manage
        initrc services
      * Allow crontab domains fsetid capability. Use a separate $2_crontab_t domain
        for each role's crontab program. Give ntp_admin access to system_cronjob_t
        and allow it to manage var_log_t and cron log files
      * Label /var/lib/sddm as xdm_var_lib_t
      * Don't label acct cron job scripts as acct_exec_t
      * Allow systemd-tmpfiles to create /dev/xconsole
      * Create new type for /var/run/iodine
      * Allow logrotate to restart services
      * Made init_script_service_restart() include reload access
      * Dontaudit systemd_logind_t statting files under /dev/shm
        Allow it to setattr unallocated terminals and unlink user_runtime_t files
      * Added boolean allow_smbd_read_shadow for the obvious purpose
        Allow smbd_t to read cupsd_var_run_t socket as well as write to it
      * Allow NetworkManager_t to send dbus messages to unconfined_t
      * Grant access to dri and input_dev devices to system_dbusd_t, gdm3 makes it
        want this
     -- Russell Coker <email address hidden>  Mon, 23 Jan 2017 01:55:57 +1100
  • refpolicy (2:2.20161023.1-7) unstable; urgency=medium
      [ Laurent Bigonville and cgzones ]
       * Sort the files in the files in the selinux-policy-src.tar.gz tarball by
         name, this should fix the last issue for reproducible build
       * Add genfscon for cpu/online. Closes: #849637
      [ Russell Coker ]
       * Make the boinc patch like the one upstream accepted and make it last in
         the list.
       * Label /etc/sddm/Xsession as xsession_exec_t
       * Label ~/.xsession-errors as xauth_home_t and use a type-trans rule for it
       * Allow devicekit_power_t to chat to xdm_t via dbus
       * Allow rtkit_daemon_t to stat the selinuxfs and seach default contexts
       * Allow loadkeys_t to read tmp files created by init scripts
       * Allow systemd_tmpfiles_t to delete usr_t files for a file copied to /tmp
         and to read dbus lib files for /var/lib/dbus
       * Allow systemd_logind_t to list tmpfs_t dirs, relabelto user runtime,
         relabel to/from user_tmpfs_t, and manage wireless_device_t
       * Allow xauth_t to inherit file handles from xdm_t, read an inherited fifo
         and read/write an inherited socket.
       * Allow xdm_t to send dbus messages to unconfined_t
       * Give crond_t sys_resource so it can set hard ulimit for jobs
       * Allow systemd_logind_t to setattr on the kvm device and user ttys, to
         manage user_tmp_t and user_tmpfs_t files, to read/write the dri device
       * Allow systemd_passwd_agent_t to stat the selinuxfs and search the
         contexts dir
       * Make systemd_read_machines() also allow listing directory
       * Make auth_login_pgm_domain() include userdom_read_user_tmpfs_files()
       * Allow setfiles_t to inherit apt_t file handles
       * Allow system_mail_t to use ptys from apt_t and unconfined_t
       * Label /run/agetty.reload as getty_var_run_t
       * Allow systemd_tmpfiles_t to relabel directories to etc_t
       * Made sysnet_create_config() include { relabelfrom relabelto
         manage_file_perms }, allow systemd_tmpfiles_t to create config, and set
         file contexts entries for /var/run/resolvconf.  Makes policy work with
         resolvconf (but requires resolvconf changes) Closes: #740685
       * Allow dpkg_script_t to restart init services
       * Allow shell_exec_t to be an entrypoint for unconfined_cronjob_t
       * Allow named to read network sysctls and usr files
       * Label /lib/systemd/systemd-timedated and /lib/systemd/systemd-timesyncd as
         ntpd_exec_t and allow ntpd_t to talk to dbus and talk to sysadm_t and
         unconfined_t over dbus. Allow ntpd_t capabilities fowner and setpcap when
         building with systemd support, also allow listing init pid dirs. Label
         /var/lib/systemd/clock as ntp_drift_t
       * Allow systemd_nspawn_t to read system state, search init pid dirs (for
         /run/systemd) and capability net_admin
       * Allow backup_t capabilities chown and fsetid to cp files and preserve
       * Allow logrotate_t to talk to dbus and connect to init streams for
         systemctl, also allow setrlimit for systemctl
       * Allow mon_net_test_t to bind to generic UDP nodes. Allow mon_local_test_t
         to execute all applications (for ps to getattr mostly)
       * Label /var/lib/wordpress as httpd_var_lib_t
       * Label apachectl as httpd_exec_t so it correctly creates pid dirs etc and
         allow it to manage dirs of type httpd_lock_t
      [ Russell Coker Important ]
       * sddm is now working (gdm3 SEGVs, not a policy bug), closes: #781779
       * Support usrmerge, lots of fc changes and subst_dist changes
         Closes: #850032
     -- Russell Coker <email address hidden>  Thu, 12 Jan 2017 18:01:40 +1100
  • refpolicy (2:2.20161023.1-6) unstable; urgency=medium
      * Label /var/lib/unbound as named_cache_t, closes: #740657
      * Merge patch for gbp.conf from cgzones <email address hidden>
        closes: #849459
      * Merge patch from cgzones <email address hidden> to add new .basemodules
        file. Closes: #849460
      * Make the package build fail when a file is missing.  Closes: #849461
      * Replaced domain_auto_trans with domain_auto_transition_pattern.
        Closes: #849463
      * New type systemd_machined_var_run_t for /run/systemd/machines
      * Allow initrc_t to get the status of null device service files (for
        symlinks) and to reload systemd_unit_t services.
      * Allow systemd_logind_t to manage user_runtime_t directories.
        allow it sys_admin capability.  Allow it to list udev_var_run_t dirs for
      * Label /run/console-setup as udev_var_run_t
      * Label lvmetad as lvm_exec_t
      * Made it conflict with mcstrans because we currently can't get mcstrans,
        dbus, and systemd to work together.
      * Allow systemd_logind_t to create /run/systemd/inhibit and to manage
        systemd_logind_var_run_t dirs and mount/umount,relabelfrom tmpfs_t
      * Allow systemd_machined_t to manage symlinks in it's pid dir
      * Allow systemd_machined_t to stat tmpfs_t and cgroup_t filesystems
      * Updated monit patch from cgzones.
      * Allow policykit_t to stat tmpfs_t and cgroup_t filesystems and to read
      * Change auth_login_pgm_domain() to include writing to sessions fifo.
        and searching user_runtime_t
      * Allow systemd_logind_t and systemd_machined_t to read initrc_t files to
        get cgroup and sessionid
      * Allow systemd_logind_t to read xserver_t files to get cgroup and sessionid
      * Allow system_mail_t to access unix_stream_sockets inherited from init
        for error messages on startup
      * Allow system_cronjob_t to get systemd unit status
      * Allow logrotate to talk to dbus and talk to the private systemd socket for
      * Allow console_device_t to associate with devpts_t:filesystem for /dev/pts/0
      * Allow systemd_logind_t to read all users state for cgroup and sessionid
      * Label /var/run/sddm and /usr/bin/sddm
      * Allow systemd_logind_t to talk to policykit_t and xserver_t by dbus
      * Allow systemd_logind_t to send messages to initrc_t by dbus
      * Allow policykit_t to send dbus messages to all userdomains
     -- Russell Coker <email address hidden>  Sun, 01 Jan 2017 15:33:26 +1100
  • refpolicy (2:2.20161023.1-5) unstable; urgency=medium
      * Allowed system_munin_plugin_t to read usr_t files and have capability
        net_admin for mii-tool.  Thanks joerg <email address hidden>
        Closes: #619855
      * Allow rsync_t to stat all sock_files and fifo_files when
        rsync_export_all_ro is set.  Thanks joerg <email address hidden>
        Closes: #619979
      * Allow bitlbee_t to read FIPS state.  Closes: #697814
      * Allow mono_t to be in role unconfined_r.  Closes: #734192
      * Allow dpkg_script_t to manage null_device_t services for service scripts
        linked to /dev/null.  Closes: #757994
      * Give systemd_tmpfiles_t sys_admin capability for adjusting quotas.
      * Included initrc_t as a source domain in init_ranged_domain() so that old
        XDM packages that lack a systemd service file will work.
      * Use xserver_role() for unconfined_t so the xdm can start the session.
      * Allow user domains to talk to devicekit_disk_t and devicekit_power_t via
      * Label /run/lvm as lvm_var_run_t
      * Allow dhcpc_t to manage samba config
     -- Russell Coker <email address hidden>  Thu, 29 Dec 2016 01:08:24 +1100
  • refpolicy (2:2.20161023.1-4) unstable; urgency=medium
      * Allow mon_t to read sysfs.
      * Made gpm_getattr_gpmctl also allow getattr on the fifo_file
      * Allow mount_t to getattr tmpfs_t and rpc_pipefs_t filesystems
      * Allow systemd_logind_t to change identities of files
      * Allow systemd_logind_t to read the cgroups files of all login processes
      * Added monit policy from cgzones <email address hidden>. Closes: #691283
      * Allow udev_t to transition to initrc_t for hotplug scripts, and label
        /etc/network/ip-ip.d/* etc as initrc_exec_t. Policy taken from Wheezy at
        the recommendation of Devin Carraway <email address hidden>
        Closes: #739590
     -- Russell Coker <email address hidden>  Wed, 28 Dec 2016 00:36:11 +1100
  • refpolicy (2:2.20161023.1-3) unstable; urgency=medium
      * Allow ntpd_t to create sockets.
      * Allow systemd_hostnamed_t and systemd_logind_t to talk to NetworkManager_t
        via dbus.
      * Allow systemd_backlight_t to send syslog messages, read sysfs, read etc_t
        files, read init state, read udev_var_run_t files (udev data).
      * Allow systemd_machined_t to send messages to init_t and initrc_t via dbus,
        connect to the system dbus, read etc_t files, and start and stop init_var_run_t services and init_t system
      * Allow systemd_logind_t to talk to devicekit_power_t and unconfined_t over
      * Allow systemd_tmpfiles_t to read proc_net_t
      * Use /sbin/ldconfig instead of /sbin/ldconfig.real
      * Give devicekit_disk_t wake_alarm capability
      * Write policy for systemd_coredump_t
      * Allow systemd_logind_t to read xdm_t files for XDM state and talk to xdm
        via dbus.
      * Change /lib/systemd/systemd-cryptsetup to
        /usr/lib/systemd/systemd-cryptsetup so file_contexts.subs_dist doesn't
        cause the wrong name to match. Allow lvm_t to load modules for
      * Allow mon_local_test_t to stat gpmctl_t socket. Generally allow the local
        tests to access most things that can't do any harm.
      * Allow systemd_passwd_agent_t to use getty_t fds and read init state.
      * Allow unconfined domains to start and stop etc_t units
     -- Russell Coker <email address hidden>  Wed, 21 Dec 2016 18:35:33 +1100
  • refpolicy (2:2.20161023.1-2) unstable; urgency=medium
      * Only label files as NetworkManager_initrc_exec_t
      * Use separate domains mon_net_test_t and mon_local_test_t for network and
        local tests
      * Allow boinc to read xdm tmp dirs and connect to the X server, allow it to
        read crypto sysctl for some of it's libraries
      * Allow unconfined_t to request init to reload it's config
      * Make bin_t an entrypoint for inetd_child_t
      * Allow systemd_tmpfiles_t to read selinuxfs and selinux_config_t to find
        correct context Closes: #834228
      * Allow systemd_cgroups_t to read selinux_config_t
      * Allow systemd_sessions_t to get contexts for sessions and default contexts
        for files for correct labeling
      * Allow systemd_logind_t to read cgroup files and getattr cgroupfs, and to
        start and stop user sessions
      * Allow systemd_tmpfiles_t to read kmod_var_run_t for
      * Allow syslogd_t to read SE Linux config
      * Allow dpkg_script_t to reload systemd configuration and to restart
        initrc_exec_t units.
      * Allow sulogin to read crypto sysctls and set booleans
      * Allow cron jobs append and ioctl access to crond_tmp_t
      * Allow systemd_hostnamed_t to read sysfs
      * Policy to allow systemd_backlight_t and systemd_machined_t to do things
      * Give initrc_t, xserver_t, and devicekit_power_t wake_alarm capability.
      * Allow tor to search tmpfs.
      * Allow system_mail_t to inherit file handles from init.
     -- Russell Coker <email address hidden>  Thu, 08 Dec 2016 23:16:14 +1100
  • refpolicy (2:2.20161023.1-1) unstable; urgency=medium
      * New upstream to remove unwanted files from the archive.
      * Type mon_test_exec_t for /usr/lib/mon/helper/*
      * Give init_t and udev_t capability2:wake_alarm for systemd and systemd-udevd
      * logging_manage_generic_logs(systemd_tmpfiles_t) for /var/log/?tmp
      * Make bin_t an entrypoint for mon_test_t for scripts run from sudo.
      * Allow postfix_master_t to getsched for sort and other programs from startup
        shell scripts
     -- Russell Coker <email address hidden>  Sun, 04 Dec 2016 22:41:31 +1100
  • refpolicy (2:2.20161023-1) unstable; urgency=medium
      * Rebase to new release
     -- Russell Coker <email address hidden>  Wed, 02 Nov 2016 15:15:07 +1100
  • refpolicy (2:2.20151208-1) unstable; urgency=medium
      * Rebase to new upstream
      * Move locallogin, sysadm, udev, and modutils to base
      * Add /lib/systemd to file_contexts.subs_dist and remove duplicate fcontexts
      * Allow unconfined_t to manage all init units
      * Allow dmesg_t and sysadm_t to read /dev/kmsg
      * Label /usr/lib/selinux/hll/pp as bin_t
      * Allow udev_t to create /var/run/network with type net_conf_t
      * Allow auditctl_t to getcap
      * Allow auditd_t setattr on /var/log/audit
      * Allow semanage_t to search policy_src_t dirs for /usr/lib/selinux/hll
      * Label /lib/systemd/libsystemd-shared-.*.so as lib_t
      * Allow systemd_tmpfiles_t and systemd_cgroups_t to read /proc/1/environ
        and /proc/cmdline, and have capability net_admin
      * Allow systemd_tmpfiles_t to create and relabel var_t directories
      * Allow systemd_cgroups_t to send unix dgrams to init.
      * Label /var/run/alsa as alsa_var_lock_t and use type trans for alsa_t to
        create it
      * Allow syslogd_t to create syslogd_var_run_t dirs for
      * Allow alsa_t to manage directories and lnk_files of type alsa_var_lock_t
        for directories under /run/alsa
      * This policy works well for a VM but is known to not work on bare metal.
        I'll upload a new version that fixes this soon.
     -- Russell Coker <email address hidden>  Wed, 03 Aug 2016 10:42:57 +1000