Ubuntu One Client 1.4.1

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Ubuntu One Client
Rodrigo Moya
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Release notes 

Bug fixing release for Ubuntu Maverick


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- Fix VolumeManager.subscribe_udf method to handle the error cases properly (Guillermo Gonzalez) (LP: #632439)
- Make ubuntuone-launch work with the new sso (John Lenton) (LP: #631822)
- Wait for READY before asking for connection (John Lenton) (LP: #525743 and LP: #518027)
- Move operations live in limbo until confirmed (Facundo Batista)
- Fix a few problems with emblems (Rodrigo Moya) (LP: #607247)
- Load UDFs as soon as syncdaemon is ready (Rodrigo Moya) (LP: #612541)
- Load public files as soon as syncdaemon is ready (Rodrigo Moya) (LP: #627339)
- When VM receives an event on a volume it doesn't have, refresh them (Facundo Batista)
- Made u1sync client work from the command line. No more "authorize" option, only --oauth (Natalia Bidart) (LP: #634337)
- Marker chains are errbacked ok now (Facundo Batista)
- Remove multiple returns in VolumeManager.subscribe_udf method (Guillermo Gonzalez)
- Do calls to libproxy in a separate process (John Lenton) (LP: #633241)
- OAuth consumer key and secret can be passed as parameter (Natalia Bidart) (LP: #637022)
- Don't generate a new file if we're deleting or overwriting it (Facundo Batista)
- Make sure that the u1 music path is present (Manuel de la Peña) (LP: #558762)
- Make the "Current plan" label show the actual value returned from the server (John Lenton) (LP: #551138)
- Add --with-sso option to configure, for building with uninstalled sso-client (Rodney Dawes)
- Fix volume manager to create the fsm node on server rescan if the node isn't there (Guillermo Gonzalez) (LP: #632454)
- Fix Local rescan to process read only shares and resume interrupted downloads (Guillermo Gonzalez) (LP: #598189)
- Make sure we load list of shared folders in Nautilus plugin (Rodrigo Moya) (LP: #633013)
- Dereference the possible markers in limbos (Facundo Batista)
- Don't start syncdaemon from Nautilus plugin. Just wait for it to be available (Rodrigo Moya) (LP: #613219, LP: #635629 and LP: #628877)

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