Ubuntu One Control Panel 0.9.5

Milestone information

Ubuntu One Control Panel
Natalia Bidart
Release registered:
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1 Eric Casteleijn
No blueprints are targeted to this milestone.
1 Fix Released

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Release notes 

[release] v0.9.5


View the full changelog

[ <email address hidden> ]

  - Now that we set the launcher urgency from ubuntuone-client, the control
  panel needs to remove it when its window receives focus (LP: #747677).

  - changed default value for switch_to to empty string, and now don't call
  switch_to method when the value is empty string (or anything else falsy)
  (LP: #752943).

  - Added proper defaults to the command line arguments (LP: #746489).

  - Fixed issue where closing the panel resulted in a runtime error
  (LP: #745987).

  - This adds a method to the dbus service that allows switching between
  panels, and/or drawing attention to the control panel (LP: #742008).

  - Removed the shortcut group that causes two Ubuntu One entries to appear in
  the messaging menu when syncdaemon is not running (LP: #721525).

[ Natalia B. Bidart <email address hidden> ]

  - If servers reply with a 401, clear credentials and ask user to authenticate
  (LP: #726612).

  - Moving style_check down so the exit code from u1trial is not hidden by &&.

  - Unify disable/enable file sync functionality among Services tab and global
  file sync status (LP: #729301).

  - Cloud Folders tab is now disabled when the file sync service is
  (LP: #747482).

  - Improving legend for plugin installation to ease translations
  (LP: #746374).

  - Added volumes.ui to the translation list (LP: #746370).

  - Small improvement to show something else besides the generic "Value can not
  be retrieved." error (LP: #722485).

  - Made the backend robust against possible None values (or any non basestring
  instance) sent from the API server (LP: #745790).

  - Decoupled device list retrieved from the web from the local settings
  retrieved from syncdaemon (LP: #720704).

  - Stop the control panel backend once the UI is done
  (LP: #704434).

  - After initial computer adding, syncdameon is asked to connect
  (LP: #715873).

0 blueprints and 1 bug targeted

Bug report Importance Assignee Status
752943 #752943 Default value for switch_to parameter needs to be the empty string rather than None. 5 Low Eric Casteleijn  10 Fix Released
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