feisty-7.04-release : Ubuntu Studio

Ubuntu Studio feisty-7.04-release

Milestone information

Ubuntu Studio
Toby Smithe
Release registered:
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Release notes 

Ubuntu Studio is a multimedia editing/creation flavour of Ubuntu. It's
built for the GNU/Linux audio, video, and graphic enthusiast or

The Ubuntu Studio team is proud to announce its first release: 7.04 for
Intel i386-compatible processors. With this release, which you can
download for DVD in little over 860 MiB, we offer a feature that is
somewhat reminiscent of Ubuntu Server: on installation, you can choose
between the Audio, Graphics or Video tasks; and choose also to install a
number of plugins, which for this release is mainly aimed at audio

We have endeavoured to keep as many of our packages in the standard
Ubuntu repositories as possible. Certain packages, such as wired and our
art packages, are kept in an external repository and fully up to Ubuntu
packaging standards. Be aware however, that this is only a temporary
solution and we will be pushing all our packages into Ubuntu for the
next release.

The Audio task also provides a different kernel to the Video and
Graphics tasks, which has low latency to enable easy JACK work, and for
Gutsy we will be providing a fully realtime enable setup. We have built
upon the usability and support of Ubuntu as a foundation, and are
certain that this was a wise choice, for we have access to a wide range
of packages in the repository, and a stable base system.

For the video task, we have chosen the GStreamer-based PiTiVi as our
central NLE. PiTiVi is written in Ubuntu's favourite scripting language,
Python, and the GStreamer back-end enables it to use all the
GStreamer-compatible codecs that are installed, and thus taking
advantage of Feisty's Easy Codec Installation. It also uses our
favourite widget set, GTK+, and thus keeps with the theme and flow of
the Ubuntu Studio desktop, and tries also to stay usable in any
environment, in keeping with Ubuntu Studio's aim that media production
should be simple and accessible.

We have also packaged Ardour 2, which will debut on our disc. Our theme
is heavily based around the dark style of Ardour and many other audio
applications, and we are trying to have a release that is as integrated
as possible with all of our applications and tasks.

Finally, the Graphics task deserves some attention. We have included a
very wide range of very high quality applications that are also very
well known. What we have done is added to this selection (with Enblend,
for example), and brought them all together into a coherent set. Some
main packages to note are the GIMP, Inkscape, Blender, Hugin and
Scribus, which are all provided with a default install of the Ubuntu
Studio Graphics task.

As our wiki page at [WWW] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuStudio states:
"Our aim is to make it more accessible for new users to get into the
tools that GNU/Linux has to offer for multimedia creation/production. We
also want to spotlight what's out there. Show users tools they might not
have know existed." We have certainly fulfilled that aim with our first
release with 7.04, and can only continue to improve. Bring on the show!


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