Blueprints targeted: None
Development channel. To add your code to the project, propose it to be merged with the dev channel. The dev channel is then merged into main for each release. Dev channel is the first place to get new features and fixed bugs. However, things may break unexpectedly at any time. Expect this code to be broken, and be happy if it isn't.
This branch is frozen before each release. The deadline for new features to be added is six days before the release. The deadline for new code to be merged in is two days before the release. Dev channel is merged into main the night before each release.
DO NOT commit code directly to dev or to main, unless you are doing an authorized merge. Instead, commit code to the branch lp:~<userid>
Blueprints targeted: 1 Implemented
Initial release family of UGR! Using GNOME3 under the gnome3-session package, it will attempt to get a working demonstration release for Natty. It is not intended to be complete, usable, or bug-free, this will come later. It will not include a full GNOME3.
It should be easily installed from an existing Ubuntu Natty install using apt-get, for example sudo apt-get install ugr-desktop-g3.
Blueprints targeted: 7 Implemented
Main channel for the constellation-0.1X, 0.2.X, and 0.3.X release family. To add your code to the project, propose it to be merged with the dev channel. The dev channel is then merged into main for each release. Dev channel is the first place to get new features and fixed bugs.
Dev is frozen before each release. The deadline for new features to be added is six days before the release. The deadline for new code to be merged in is two days before the release. Dev channel is merged into main the night before each release.
DO NOT commit code directly to dev or to main, unless you are doing an authorised merge. Instead, commit code to the branch lp:~<userid>
Blueprints targeted: 1 Needs Infrastructure, 1 Good progress
Stable, full, complete, and usable 1.0 release. Will be released in the Ubuntu Oneiric universe repo, with updates coming in our PPAs.
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