
Milestones belong to a series and can be created from the series page by a project owner or series release manager.

Version Series Expected Released Summary
uNav 2.3 trunk None
uNav 0.74 trunk None
uNav 0.73 trunk 2017-05-25 This is an inactive milestone
uNav 0.72 trunk 2017-05-18
uNav 0.70 trunk 2017-05-04
uNav 0.69 trunk 2017-05-04
uNav 0.68 trunk 2017-04-02
uNav 0.67 trunk 2017-03-02
uNav 0.66 trunk 2017-02-02
uNav 0.65 trunk 2017-01-16
uNav 0.64 trunk 2016-12-21
uNav 0.63 trunk 2016-10-04
uNav 0.61 "Phoenix" trunk 2016-08-02
uNav 0.62 "Tiles" trunk 2016-07-13
uNav 0.60 "Chameleonic uNav" trunk 2016-07-06
uNav 0.59 "Beauty and the beast" trunk 2016-05-25 Code named "Beauty and the beast", this milestone is all about beautifying th...
uNav 0.58 "Road Racer" trunk 2016-04-11 Code named the Road Racer, this milestone is all about improving the core per...
uNav 0.57 "Reborn" trunk 2016-03-28