Ubuntu Netbook Remix 0.4.12

Milestone information

Ubuntu Netbook Remix


Assigned to you:
No blueprints or bugs assigned to you.
7 Neil J. Patel
No blueprints are targeted to this milestone.
1 Won't Fix, 8 Fix Released

0 blueprints and 9 bugs targeted

Bug report Project Importance Assignee Status
291016 #291016 Add window grouping support to window-picker-applet window-picker-applet window-picker-applet 4 Medium Neil J. Patel  4 Won't Fix
325951 #325951 window-picker-applet: doesn't work with raise_on_click off window-picker-applet window-picker-applet 3 High   10 Fix Released
257966 #257966 Add UI for toggle "show windows from all workspaces" window-picker-applet window-picker-applet 4 Medium Neil J. Patel  10 Fix Released
258931 #258931 Please add "urgency hints" to window-picker-applet window-picker-applet window-picker-applet 4 Medium Neil J. Patel  10 Fix Released
293450 #293450 window-picker-applet does not provide minimize anchor for window managers window-picker-applet window-picker-applet 4 Medium Neil J. Patel  10 Fix Released
356982 #356982 Confusing right-click behaviour in window-picker-applet window-picker-applet window-picker-applet 4 Medium   10 Fix Released
270830 #270830 Don't use deprecated gnome-stock-about icon in window-picker and go-home applet window-picker-applet window-picker-applet 1 Undecided Neil J. Patel  10 Fix Released
331087 #331087 Remove the "Home" titlebar window-picker-applet window-picker-applet 1 Undecided Neil J. Patel  10 Fix Released
331089 #331089 Make the applet draw properly when used with a non-solid panel bg theme window-picker-applet window-picker-applet 1 Undecided Neil J. Patel  10 Fix Released

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