* Add '--no-dbus' command-line option for the init(8) daemon (allowing
event propagation to the Session Init via the upstart-event-bridge(8) to
be disabled).
* Serialise Session Init job environment table on re-exec (LP: #1238078).
* upstart-{dbus,socket}-bridge(8): Don't clobber existing PATH (LP: #1234898).
* upstart-file-bridge(8):
- Allow watching for directory creation (LP: #1221466).
- Reduce default output.
* upstart-local-bridge(8): Handle arbitrary numbers of pairs and additional
checks on input validity (LP: #1234898).
* Improved Session Init shutdown speed (LP: #1227212).
* New configure options: '--disable-local-bridge', '--disable-socket-bridge'.
* Added upstart-file-bridge(8) and Session Init re-exec integration tests.
* Retain umask for Session Init (LP: #1240686).
* Make Session Init connect to D-Bus Session Bus on request
(LP: #1203595, #1235649)
* Improved build-time ABI compliance checking.
* Doc updates and lots of test refinements.