Vidiwell is a document editor whic automatically format text based on text tags rules, like in txt2tags.
For example //italic// **bold** etc...
Tags can be set to "invisible" that is to say they appear only on focus.
NOTE : 0.3.0 is partly buggy : invisible mode does not work. Every thing will be fixed in 0.4.0. For the moment, can download and use 0.2.1 which is more stable.
Vidiwell is written in Vala.
The development is just beginning.
License : GPLv3
NOTE : Vidiwell has currently no logo. Any help for that would be very welcome !
NOTE : Vidiwell will not be maintained during the next two years because the maintainer is very busy with studies...
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trunk series is the current focus of development.
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Change key file to gsettings
Registered -
Real interface for rules that apply to Vidiwell.TextBuffer
Registered -
Configure tags