Registered by Rob Whyte

Vinux is a Ubuntu distribution supporting visually impaired.

Vinux is a remastered version of the popular Ubuntu distribution optimised for the needs of blind and partially sighted users. By default it provides multiple screen-readers, full-screen magnifiers, global font-size and colour changing facilities as well as support for USB Braille displays. When you boot the live CD you will be greeted by the Orca screen-reader/magnifier which enables you to navigate the graphical Gnome desktop using keybindings, as well as providing full screen-magnification if required. For those who prefer to work in a simple text based console there is the Speakup screen-reader. A second full-screen magnifier is provided by the Compiz Window Manager, which uses 3D technology to allow you to magnify and navigate the whole screen using the mouse, or move a resizable virtual magnifying glass around the screen. The Gnome Desktop Manager itself provides you with global keybindings to change the font size and/or the colour scheme on the fly. Finally, BRLTTY provides Grade 1 and 2 Braille output by the Gnome Orca screen-reader.

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4.0 series is the current focus of development.

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