VMBuilder 0.12.0

Milestone information

Soren Hansen
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download icon VMBuilder-0.12.0.tar.gz (md5, sig) VMBuilder 0.12.0 45
last downloaded 81 weeks ago
Total downloads: 45

Release notes 

This is the first release of the 0.12 series of VMBuilder.

It is known to not have feature parity with 0.11 at the moment. This is being worked on.

The most interesting changes are:
The build process has been split in two:
The first step is the creation of a destination hypervisor (or platform) agnostic distro chroot.
The second step is taking this chroot and customising it for and installing it into the hypervisor.

The cli tool lets you do this separately, so that you can build one chroot and use it for multiple hypervisors.

There's a new config system, which makes configuration handling inside VMBuilder more explicit. This should, in turn, provide a simpler way for frontends to present all the available options to the user.

This is an early release. Expect a bumpy ride until 0.12.1 or thereabouts.


This release does not have a changelog.

0 blueprints and 0 bugs targeted

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