Vortex Library 1.1.14 "There's nothing left to say now"

New stable release that includes improvements an corrections and IPv6 support.

Milestone information

Vortex Library
Code name:
There's nothing left to say now
Francis Brosnan
Release registered:
No. Drivers cannot target bugs and blueprints to this milestone.  

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File Description Downloads
download icon vortex-installer-1.1.14-5256-5258-w32.exe (md5) W32 package/installer 10
last downloaded 66 weeks ago
download icon vortex-installer-1.1.14-5256-5258-w64.exe (md5) W64 package 12
last downloaded 66 weeks ago
download icon vortex-1.1.14.b5256.g5258.tar.gz (md5) Source code 13
last downloaded 66 weeks ago
Total downloads: 35

Release notes 

New stable release that includes improvements an corrections and IPv6 support.


View the full changelog

* [fix] Improved notification about complete frame limit reached so it
  can be more useful. Added information about the profile and
  connecting host and port.

* [fix] Several updates into ALIVE implementation to check max unreply
  count x check period while waiting for creating the channel to
  ensure connection close event is triggered if that max period is
  reached. Also updated checking to trigger failure when max unreply
  count is reached instead of exceeding it.

* [fix] Fixed ALIVE when checks are done too quickly (check_period of
  20000 and max_unreply_count set to 5). Updated documentation to
  explain limits.

* [fix] Adding support to ubuntu precise..

* [fix] Fixed missing vortex_frame_unref at vortex-simple-client.c

* [new] Updated vortex engine to support IPv6. Nice! Now IPv4 and IPv6
  are automatically supported on the previous IPv4 APIs and new
  specific APIs are provided to "force" IPv6 resolution/usage. New API
  function added:

   - vortex_connection_new_full6
   - vortex_connection_new6

  Added new regression tests to check IPv6 support and to tests how it
  plays with IPv4 API:

   - test_02a3
   - test_02a4

* [fix] Restoring back -ansi compilation flag. Updated
  vortex_connection_private.h to have some of the IPv6 resolution
  function prototypes so they are available during compilation even
  having -ansi enabled.

* [fix] Several modifications to make IPv6 support to work on
  windows. Still more work required.

* [fix] Added new API functions to allow IPv6 only listeners. API

  - vortex_listener_new6
  - vortex_listener_new_full6

* [fix] Additional modifications to make vortex-simple-client.c and
  vortex-simple-listener.c to compile on windows and to allow
  selecting IPv6 addresses from the command line.

* [fix] Updated vortex listener module to include more debug info when
  the listener fails.

* [fix] Updated vortex connection freeaddrinfo code to fix a really
  really really odd behavior while calling it directly on finalization.

* [fix] Fixed memory allocation error when vortex_listener creation

* [fix] Updated vortex sequencer and vortex channel module to
  initialize static data used and reply handling (avoids valgrind

* [fix] Added some initialization to test_02_c2 variables used at

0 blueprints and 0 bugs targeted

There are no feature specifications or bug tasks targeted to this milestone. The project's maintainer, driver, or bug supervisor can target specifications and bug tasks to this milestone to track the things that are expected to be completed for the release.

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