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0.5 (Cream) release from the preview series released

Release information
Release notes:

Much more stable release, please use this release for all testing. This fixes several bugs and is ported to 5.4. Now includes 2 different waffle modes. Setting memcached enabled to 1 means you will push pages to memcached on set, while setting this to 2 means only the LRU will send a page to memcached. The LRU mode should be used with our version of memcached which removes pages upon a get. The Non-LRU mode should use standard memcached. If you use the non-lru it works best when your memcached size is greater then your data size.


* Fixed the Secondary index bug
* Fixed lots of other minor bugs
* Ported to MySQL 5.4
* Added 2 waffle modes an LRU Version and a non-lru version

File Description Downloads
download icon Waffle_cream.readme (md5) Cream 0.5 Readme 119
last downloaded 75 weeks ago
download icon compile-pentium-max-memc (md5) 32 bit build script 65
last downloaded 75 weeks ago
download icon compile-pentium64-max-memc (md5) 64 bit build script 65
last downloaded 74 weeks ago
download icon mysql-5.4.0-beta.tar.gz (md5) Waffle Grid 0.5 Cream Fully patched mysql source 383
last downloaded 63 weeks ago
download icon cream_0.5.patch (md5) Cream 0.5 Patch 102
last downloaded 74 weeks ago
Total downloads: 734

0.4 (Butter) release from the preview series released

Release information
Release notes:

We still have a long way to go but this should everyone a good technology preview.
Some risks to note:

*Their is a risk of a database crash if the memcached data is curropted ( i.e. bad packets/other weirdness )
*Full table scans are slower with waffle then non-waffle, we are looking into this
*You really need 1Gbe connection between the servers
*This is experimental... treat it as such
*In rare cases, it may casue the extinction of humanity...

other then that nothing else serious

Grab MySQL 5.1.30
Grab Libmemcached
Grab memcached

If your using the patch:

root@bigdbahead:/opt/mysql-5.1.30-memscratch/storage# cat /home/matt/merge/wafflegrid-mysql-5.1.30.patch | patch -p0
patching file innobase/buf/buf0buf.c...

File Description Downloads
download icon compile-pentium-max-memc (md5) Updated 32 bit BUILD Script 26
last downloaded 74 weeks ago
download icon wafflegrid_butter.preview.0.4.tar.gz (md5) Full Technology stack 55
last downloaded 75 weeks ago
Total downloads: 81