Plugin Specifications

Written for wakeup by newbuntu on 2010-09-03

Dataitems are provided by plugins, which at the minimum is just a script in /usr/share/wakeup/plugin_scripts/PluginName/ which must take as command-line arguments the alarm's username followed by a list of dataitems to fetch info for. For example, the DateTime plugin provides the $date and $time dataitems. The script /usr/share/wakeup/plugin_scripts/DateTime/ must be callable as user date time.
The only other requirement for a plugin is to have a python pickle saved as /usr/share/wakeup/plugin_settings/PluginName.plugin. This pickle is a hash providing the following entries:
   'description' : a short (5-10 word) summary of what the plugin does
   'script' : the location of the script relative to plugin_scripts. eg, DateTime/
   'text_output' : True or False, whether the plugin provide text output (if False, alternatively a plugin can just run a script)
   'data_items' : a list of dataitems, for example ['date', 'time']
   'has_preferences' : True or False, whether the plugin has user-defined preferences (see below)
   'name' : Human-readable plugin name, for example "Date and Time"
If the has_preferences value is true, the plugin must additionally provide a python class which with a GUI front-end which can be run from the general front-end GUI described above. This script must be provided as /usr/share/wakeup/plugin_scripts/PluginName/

Plugins so far provided are:
   DateTime : Give the date and time using `date`
   EvolutionData : Read Evolution schedule and tasks
   GmailCounter : Count number of new emails on a gmail account
   HebrewCalendar : Get date and events from the Hebrew calendar
   LastfmPlayer : Play music off of
   MusicPlayer : Play a song on your computer using mplayer
   News : Read news from an rss feed
   Weather : Get weather for your Gnome or manually-set location
   Commands: Run a command

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