News and announcements

Google Checkout Demo

Written for web2-Conf by yarko on 2008-10-25

Please try the Google Checkout Demo at

Report any issues / requests you may have in the Bug tracker here.

Demo Running on Google App Engine

Written for web2-Conf by yarko on 2008-10-23

Here is the link for web2conf running on Google App Engine.

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Asking General Questions

Written for web2-Conf by yarko on 2008-10-21

Please ask general questions here, in the Answers section.

If you have general feature requests, you can write it up, and register it as a Blueprint item.


Written for web2-Conf by yarko on 2008-10-15

I've created 'branding' size logo for web2-Conf. It's simple, and has an underline that is reminiscent of open books. If anyone cares to work up a compatible set of logos the same sizes launchpad has - "Powered by" size, icon - 14x14 pixels; 64x64 logo size, We'll use those as default for demo version of software logo. The branding and logo sizes would be replaced by conference logos in an installation.

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Demo Location

Written for web2-Conf by yarko on 2008-10-14

The Registration Demo for PyCon2009 is available online at Please post bugs or issues here as you find them.

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